Just a little TLC (20)

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Naomi POV

"I'm sorry." I said softly.

"Sorry for what?" He said.

I got up and walked over to the counter. I couldn't face him.

"Someone has been stalking me. I know who she is, and I know why.."

When I said that, I instantly felt arms around me.

"What?! Who? Tell me no Nay and I will take care of it, I swear."

"No Sam... I like the new you. You're more calm and loving.. I don't want u To go back to that trap shit."

"But I will do anything to protect you.. You know that!"

"she's pregnant.....with Kj's baby... like me."

His jaws clenched..

"That's my baby.. NOT HIS."

"I eventually have to confront her and ask her what's her issue. Our children are brothers and sisters."

"You're not going anywhere without me.. Or a body gaurd."

"NO!!" I said waving my fingers.

"I'm not a baby. I don't need a baby sitter. I'm a grown ass woman"

"Okay but you're pregnant.. I won't let anything happen to my baby.. It's not up for discussion.. Understand? Now put on some clothes, we're going somewhere.."

I didn't say nothing. I just wobbled up the stairs, to get ready.


Kylee's POV

Me and Malik was cuddled up. It was now 9 at night. Everyone in my house was sleep, except me and Malik.

I was watching tv and playing in his curly hair while he laid in my lap, with his head on my belly. We find out what we're having tomorrow. I'm so excited.

I was watching Empire. Cookie was getting into Onika's ass. I was so interested that I almost didn't hear my phone buzz.

"Derrick☺️👊🏽" name popped up signaling that he was calling me. I thought should I answered... I mean it couldn't hurt... Right?

I attempted to get up.. The baby was sitting on my bladder, and it was becoming very uncomfortable..

"Where you going?" Malik asked as I moved his head off me.

"To the bathroom.. I'll be back."

I answered the phone and closed the door.

"Hello?" I said.

"Wassup girl? Long time no speak" Derrick's deep voice spoke on the other line.

I laughed a little.

"Nothing, just been chilling.. I got a doctors appointment tomorrow. I find the sex of the baby."

I had muted the phone so I could pee.. I found it weird talking to somebody while peeing. Not my type of tea.

"That's wassup.. I want you to tell me as soon as You find out.. Since I'm the god daddy and all."

I flushed the toilet and unmuted the phone.

I let out a loud laugh..

I began washing my hands.

"Yea right.. You know Malik wouldn't approve of that!"

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