Hurting (4)

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Malik's POV

"To busy for me babe? I said turning her towards me. She looked so beautiful. Her lips was so full and looked so pefect. I kissed her. Then she slapped me so hard, i couldnt feel my face for atleast 10 seconds. She got in the car and sped off.

I knew Kylee was mad at me because of what I did to her. I was 17, I didnt know better and I liked her from the minute that I seen her dancing in the dance studio. I had to get her, and I got her. I didnt mean to hurt Kylee. I noticed that she started getting attatched, and with me being the son of a big time drug dealer i had to keep her out of trouble. I had to come up with an excuse to keep her safe. So one day i invited her to dinner.

- Flashback -

Me and Kylee had just got finished making love. It was so passionate. I knew she was a virgin, and her giving me the oppurtunity to make love to her made me feel special. After we were cuddled up in bed, i checked the time. It was 7:30. We had an 9:00 reservations at Franko's. I told her to get ready. We both showered, and got ready. We walked outside and was greeted by my dad's limo driver. Steve.


Me: "You nervous babe?" I asked putting my hand on her thigh.

Ky: "Yes, Ty baby." She said calling me by the nickname she gets from my middle name (Tyrell)

Me:"Its okay" I told her. "How much longer until we get there Steve?" I asked referring to the limo driver.

Steve: "We're here now!"

He got out the car and open the door for us. I got out first, and held my had out for her so i could help her get out the car.

"Thanks bae!" Kylee said kissing my lips.

We were walking into Franko's. A upperclassed restaurant. We wasnt allowed to make reservations, so i got my dad to call and make reservations for two on the balcony with a incredible view of New York.

"Porter" I said to the man standing in front of the restaurant.

He scanned the list and said, "Right this way Mr. Porter"

When we got to the balcony it was AMAZING. I knew Kylee liked it because she didnt say anything. I looked at her face and her eyes were sparkling.

Me: "Babe come sit down." I gestured for her to sit down. I pulled out her chair, pushed it in and sat down in my seat.

A waitress came out and ask what we would like to order. I ordered a Chicken Alfredo plate, with garlic bread. Kylee ordered a salad. I knew she wanted more but she didnt want to be "greedy" as she would say.


Kylee:"Malik this is beautiful. Thank you so much for this amazing dinner. i really enjoyed myself." she said looking down at her hands that was on her lap. I knew she was still nervous, so i got up and sat my chair on the side of hers.

Me:"I just wanted to show you how much i love you Kylee." It was true. I really did love Kylee. I knew she wouldnt accept the fact that me being a trap god's son, and the fact that i have to take over the empire once my dad got out. I didnt want to put her in that position. I loved her to much. I have seen what people's loved ones get done to them when they cross the wrong people. I would absolutely die if anything happened to Kylee.

Kylee: I love you too Malik Tyrell Porter" She said hugging me.

I gave her a passionate kiss, because i knew deep down that this might be the last time I get to kiss her like that. I guess she sensed that something was wrong because she pulled back.

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