What is love? (7)

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Kylee's POV

Me, Naomi, and KJ was walking to the car, I was trying to calm Naomi down. She was crying so hard. KJ came over and grabbed Naomi's waist.

"Look at me." KJ said softly.

She looked up.

"I wont let him hurt you. You can stay at my place for however long you want. I dont want you going anywhere without me." KJ said with his hands on both sides of her face. He looked like he wanted to kiss her.

Naomi smiled, and then frowned.

"I'm not afraid of him hurting me. I'm afraid of him hurting you." Naomi said.

"I aint stun that. I'm covered. Now that you my girl, i got to protect you now. You are my girl.. Right?" He asked.

Naomi didnt say anything. She just kissed him. It was a long kiss. They finally stopped locking lips and he walked her to her car.

"Once you get home, call me so I can come over.. Okay?" KJ said. He had her hands on her waist.

She nodded. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed him.

He then waved goodbye to me, got in his car, and pulled off.

I walked over to Nay and asked her was she okay to drive. She nodded. I told her to call me when she got home. I hugged her and got in my car.


I was at a stop sign when i got a text from Naomi.

"Im home," It read.

"Okay, ill call you later on tonight to see how everything is going. Love you. Ttyl"

When i got home, it was a strange car parked in my driveway. The tag plate said 'THUGLYF'. At the same time I got out of my car, Malik got out of his. I didnt say nothing i just walked up to my house. I opened the door, and left it open for Malik to come in. I knew he came in when i heard the door close.

I went into the pantry, got two bags of hot cheetos. I gave him one and me one. Then i went into the refrigerator and got 2 gatorades. A blue one for me and a pink one for him. I gave him his.

"Why do I get the pink one. I'm the boy." Malik said holding up the pink gatorade.

I tried to hold back a grin. Out of all the things he could say, he chose to say that.

"Fine." I gave him the blue gatorade, and i opened the pink one and took a sip.

"So when you get a car? Its nice." He said, while opening up his chips.

"I just got it today. Nay went with me." I said.

I opened up my bag of chips, and began eating.

"Why you didn't call me. I aint have nothing special to do today. I would've went with you." He said.

"I dont have your number. The only number you call me from is that private number." I told him.

"Where's your phone?" He asked, holding his hand out.

"What? Why?" I said looking at him suspiciously.

"Just give me the phone girl." He said still holding his hand out.

"I reached in my purse, and gave him the phone.

"Whats the password?" He asked looking up at me.

"0512" I said not looking up.

"Is that the date-" He started.

"Yea." I said.

He began typing on my phone, and then his phone began ringing.

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