Caught Up (2)

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After the news i got from Nay. I felt sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up my whole stomach. I had a horrible headache and i couldn't move. I just layed there on the floor.


I woke up to the sound of crashing dishes, and screaming. I hopped up, and ran out the bathroom into my brother's room. He was sound asleep. I went downstairs, and my mother was throwing stuff on the floor, looking for something. "Mom what are you doing?" i asked in a sleepy voice. "Have you seen my $20? I left it right here on the table! I know for sure i did." She said while scratching her arm. I instantly knew that she was high. "Mom there was nothing on the counter!" i yelled over the noise. She was still throwing things on the floor. I started picking the things up. "Mom you need to go lay down." i told her calmly. Her eyes narrowed. She stepped towards me very fast. Before i could say something she started to dig into my pockets. "You stole it didn't you, i know you did!" She accused me. "What?! NO!" I said defensively. "Yes you did! i know you did! GIVE IT BACK!" She started screaming at me. I had to get the hell up out of there. I walked away quickly so I could wake Jace up.

"Jace wake up, its time for school" I said in the sweetest way possible, even though my blood was boiling. He groaned. "Come on J, were going to be late if you dont get up now". I said taking the covers off of him. "Okay im UP!" He yelled while stretching his legs. I walked out and went into my room.

I called Nay to see where she was so she can take me and Jace to school. I didnt want to be seen and caught off gaurd since i knew a certain somebody was out and about lurking the streets of Atlanta. Before i was about to hang up she answered the phone.

Nay: Helloo

Me: Hey Nay, can you come over to get me and Jace my moms tripping and i dont feel like walking.

Nay: of course, i got you. How you feeling? She asked nervously.

Me: Im fiine, im about to shower.

Before she could say anything i hung up the phone. I was everything but fine. Last night was a mess, and this morning was ruined thanks to my "loving" mom. I went into Jace room to see if he was up and moving. He was so i left out , and began to walk into the bathroom when i heard my phone ringing. It said "Unknown Name". I dont answer private calls so i just let it ring.

Once i got out the shower and smelling good, i went in Jace room. "Jace are you ready?" I asked "Yea im finding my shoes." He said before coming out of his closet with his Polo boots. My brother was cute. He was lighter than me. He had culy short hair, hazel eyes like our dad, and 1 dimple in his left cheek.

"Okay, Nay coming to get us. She should be here in a few" I said. "Oh you talking bout youre fine ass bestfriend?" He said licking his lips. I laughed so hard. "BOYYY, Naomi dont want your scrawny behind!" I said trying to catch my breath. Me and Nay had been friends since the Third grade. She gave me some of her fruit snacks because i didnt have enough money to buy my lunch. She was my only friend and is still my rider for life!

Nay called my phone, which meant she was outside. I had already got dressed in a blue Love Pink outfit with my Uggs. I didn't really put on any makeup because I wasn't feeling it today. I just put on mascara.

Once I got downstairs my mom was sitting down, knees pulled to her chest with tears coming down her face. I just brushed it off. I started to hate her. All she did was cause problems in me and Jace's life and I was about ready to take my brother and get the hell up out of there. For good.
We had dropped off Jace and me and Nay decided to go to IHOP. We had about 30 minutes to spare so we just went for the hell of it. It was really packed. Just a bunch of snobby white men with hundred dollar watches on reading the newspaper. Me and Nay sat down. A waiter come up to us and ask what we would like to drink. He was cute. Buff, dark skin, nice full pink lips. But not my type. "I would like to order the house special please." I said to him, not looking up at him not once. "Okay and for you ma'am?" He said shyly. "Um yes. I would like the same thing but with extra bacon." Naomi said closing her menu. "Okay your food should be out shortly."

-15 mins later-
"Here go your meals." The waiter said sitting everything down on the table. "Would you like anything else?" He asked. "Yea, your number." Naomi said licking her lips. I kicked her leg under the table which made her yelp. "No.. Thank you." I said embarrassed of Naomi's dumb comment. "What the fuck Ky?!" Nay said rubbing her leg. "Girl you know Sam would wring your neck he found out you was trying to Mack with a waiter at IHOP." She rolled her eyes. Sam was Nay's boyfriend of 2 years. They were the ideal couple. But lately Sam and Nay haven't been talking as much. I started to wonder.
"Speaking of Sam, are YAll okay?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Girlll, let me not get on his triflin ass. Tell me why-"
Nay started but the Waiter came out with the Tab. Me and Nay paid our tab and began to leave, when the waiter approached me.
"Umm.. I'm Derrick, I get off at 10 tonight. Maybe we could meet up later. Here's my number" he said writing it on a piece of paper, he got from his notepad.
"Call me when you free" he said showing his pretty ass teeth.
"Okay" I said starting to turn around before I felt a hand on my wrist.
"I didn't get your name beautiful."
"Kylee Young" I said with a cheesy smile on my face.
"Well Ms. Kylee Young, I'd like to take you out on a date someday". He said fidgeting with his work shirt.
"I'll consider it." I said before grabbing Nay's hand and shoving the number into my hoodie pocket.

I had practice today. Coach had us running 2 miles around the track and then we had to start our routines. Me being captain, I came up with most of the dances, but let others help too if they wanted to add anything. It was almost 6 and practice was supposed to end at 5:30. Jace get a ride from his friend Connor everyday, so I didn't have to worry about that.
"Okay girls come here!" Coach yelled as she walked through the Gym doors. All the girls came running over. "So as you guys know we have competition next month. It's getting closer than we know it. So that means, more running, more practice, and more staying after school late." She said with her hand on her hip.
A lot of girls smacked they teeth. "Since YAll want to smack YAll teeth YAll can give me 20 lunges right now" she said blowing the whistle. After we did our lunges and Coach Reese released us, I called Nay to come pick me up. She didn't answer so I called her again. She sent me to voicemail. I smacked my teeth and sat there looking dumbfounded for a minute.
I seen Rachel, a girl who dances with me, and decided to ask her for a ride. She said she couldn't because she had already missed dinner at home so she couldn't be late for dessert.
I sighed. I started to walk home. I was walking with a gym bag, my bookbag and my binder in my hand when a strange car pulled up. The person rolled down the window and asked did I need a ride. I stopped in my tracks. I noticed that voice from anywhere!
"Daddy?" I said with a little excitement in my voice.

*Derrick in the picture*

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