When it comes down to it.. (3)

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"Daddy?! I said with a little excitement in my voice. I haven't seen my daddy in 2 years. A lot of people told me he was dead because he never called or wrote back any letters. I knew he wasn't. Something inside me told me he wasn't. Even though my dad has been in and out of jail, he made sure we always had a couple of dollars in our pockets, and people to look out for us.

Jose, My dad, was a Trap God back in Dominican Republic. He had a whole empire down there. Carlos, one of his rivals, put a hit out for my dad. It got so bad to the point where men came in my house with ski masks on, and held us hostage asking where my dad was. Of course we told them we didn't know because we didn't want him dead.

After that incident, he moved us to New York when I was 13, and Jace was 5. We had a better living style in New York. Even though my dad had hella money, he believed in "Budgeting" and "Sacrifice". We stayed in a small loft, outside of Manhattan, and we lived there for 4 years. We had to move because my dad had got locked up and we could no longer afford the house. That's when we moved to Atlanta.
"Hey Smiley" He said referring to me by he nickname he gave me. He called me that because when I was younger I was alway smiling.
"Hey Daddy, how have you been?" I said while taking my bags off my shoulders.
Dad: "I've been good, how are you and your brother?"
Me: "We're fine. When did u get out?"
Dad: "And your mother?" He said totally ignoring my question.
Me: "Mom is....mom" I said putting my head down.
Dad: "She still using?" He said walking towards me.
Me: "Yes, she never stopped. When you left it got worse."
Dad: "I'm sorry. I had to come and make sure you guys was safe. I'm not coming back to stay for good." He said.
Me: "What? Why not." I said getting teary eyed.
Dad: They're still after me, Kylee. I can't put you guys in danger anymore." He said pulling me into a hug.
Me: "I dont want to stay with mom. She stays out all types of nights, and me and Jace barely eat. We're broke."
Dad: "That's why I brought you this." He said pulling out a wad of cash.
Me: "How much is this?!" My eyes instantly got wide.
Dad: "About 5 grand. Buy you a car, so you won't be walking home in the dark, and get you some nice clothes. Don't tell your mom." He said putting the money in my bag, and backing away.
Me: "Am I going to see you again?" I asked with hot tears rolling down my face.
Dad: "Yes, Smiley. I promise." He kissed my forehead, and got in the car.
Me: "Bye dad." I said wiping the tears.

It took me about 20 minutes to get to my house. I walked in and smelled food cooking. I got happy. My mom was standing over the stove.
"Hey mom." I said shocked. She didn't say anything. She just continued to stir the ground beef in the sizzling pan. I walked out.

"Food's ready!" I heard my mom say. I was tired. I just had finished my paper that was due Monday, my lab report for Chemistry, and took a shower. I dragged out of bed.
The table was set, and Jace was already at the table. Spaghetti, garlic bread and tea was on the table. I was very surprised.
Jace: "Thanks mom. This is very good." Jace said stuffing his mouth.
Me: "Don't talk with your mouth full J" I said getting a piece of garlic bread off the plate.
Mom: "Thanks Jace." She said sending him a shy smile.
Me: "Mom are you feeling well today?"
Mom: "Yes I'm fine." She said spinning her fork with noodles and meat.

After dinner, I helped mom wash the dishes. She seemed...different. I don't know what's gotten into her, but I like this new her. We briefly talked about my day at school, and how I had to walk home because Naomi was M.I.A. Before I could leave To go to my room, my mom said something that caught my attention.
"Goodnight, I love you Kyle." She said. I turned around and gave her a friendly smile. I walked up the stairs.
It's not that I don't love my mom, I wish that she wouldn't have started doing drugs. She put me and my brothers life in danger, by bringing pimps and drug dealers in our house, so she could fuck for money. Money used to buy more drugs.
My mom started doing drugs back in Dominican Republic when I was about 9. Jace was 1. After Jace was born, our grandmother died from a robbery. She was robbed by some street thugs. They wanted all her money, she had in her safe, and all the best jewelry she had. I really didn't get to see her like that, so it really didn't phase me. My mom took it very hard. She didn't eat for days, and stayed in her room. She eventually got used to our grandmom's death. Which was because she started doing drugs. I guess they made her feel better.
She was always out late at night and I had to watch Jace. I was 9 and I didn't know shit about being a parent. That's when my dad came back, he took care of us until we was 12, before the police hit the house. Then we moved to New York a year later.
Jose's POV
"What the fuck U mean YAll can't find him?" I said with rage in my voice.
"He wasn't at the spot." One of my hit men said.
I ran my fingers through my hair. I was PISSED.
"Get the fuck out my face!" I yelled.

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