Good Riddens (21)

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Kylee POV


Today is Friday, and I had my doctor's appointment today. I was finally going to find out what I'm having. I left school early because my appointment was at 2:15. Of course Malik came with me.

We've been good..He's been treating me better than ever. Im just finally happy that we can be a family now!

"Do you wanna get food now or later?" Malik said.

"We can get some later.. To celebrate."

"Cool." He responded.

We pulled up at the clinic. I was beginning to get nervous.

"Its okay.. Im here, and im never leaving yall again, okay?" He said kissing my forehead.


"Now lets get in here, so we can see how my boy is doing."

I laughed. "Whatever."

It was deep as hell in here. Pregnant girls, girls crying, mad mothers, it was just a hot mess. I was just ready to find out the sex of my baby, and get the hell up out of here.


45 Minutes Later.

"Kylee Young!" A short Latina lady came from behind double doors with a clip board in her hand.

"Here i am." I got up, and kicked Malik's foot. This nigga was falling asleep.

"Hello, I'm Daisy.. Im going to be taking care of you this afternoon." She shook my hand firmly, and then Malik's.


"So just get up here on this chair, and lift up your shirt.."

I did what i was told, and got comfortable in the chair.

"Okay this gel is going to be a little cold, so just bare with me okay?"

I shook my head.

"And the sex of your baby is..... A girl!"

I screamed loudly. I was expecting a boy, but i'm perfectly fine with a girl.

"Im going to give you the world, baby girl!" i said rubbing my tummy.


2 years later..

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