Cant Raise A Man (18)

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Naomi POV

It was Thursday.. I was home schooled so I ain't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to go to a school full of hating bitches, and thirsty niggas.

Sam was at work. I tried looking for a job, but he told me that he didn't want me 'putting the baby in danger, when he can be the provider' 😾

"Okay baby .. Im about to feed you" I said rubbing my stomach.

I had been feeling kind of paranoid lately, like someone is watching me. I been very cautious of where I go. I haven't told Sam because I'm afraid he'd turn back into the raged person he was, and I didn't like that side of him. Soo I'll handle it.

I walked downstairs, and went to the refrigerator.
I grabbed some pancakes, bacon and sausage.

I turned on the stove, started up the bacon, and sausage.

I then began to mix the pancake mix in a bowl, when the bell rang.

"What the hell?" It's 11:29am , who could possibly be here.

I went to the door and looked out the peep hole, but it was covered up.

"Who is it?" I said.

No response.

I wasn't gonna put my baby in danger, by opening up the door so I went back into the kitchen, and called Sam.

"Baby.. Come home.. Please. I'm scared!"

Sam: 😳 what's wrong, nay???

Me : someone is at the door , they covered the peep whole. I'm scared babe just please come home. 😩

Sam: ok , I'm coming! Stay away from the windows, and DONT open the door. I have they key, so just wait for me. Okay baby?

Nay: yess. Hurry please.

My heart was racing 90 mph.

Sam: everything is going to be okay baby girl, I'll be there in a minute. Stay on the phone.


Kylee POV

It was 12:00pm. Lunch was about to be here.

I decided on taking Malik Back. I really don't need the help , but I would never keep him away from his child. Also, I really do love him. We building together, whatever happens we help eAchother through it. No hoes, no niggas. Just us.

Text from First Love💋 (A.K.A Malik):
Want me to buy you some for lunch? Ion want my baby eating that mystery meat 😷

Me: 😂 Shuttup , but yea . What you going to get. I'm starving 😋

FL 💋: I'll get whatever you want Ky.

Me: Hot wings , chicken fried rice, chocolate chip cookies, and a strawberry banana smoothie. pls ? 😘😘

FL 💋: ain't none of that shit healthy Kylee 😓 but anything for you 😘

Me: thanks baby 😁😁😁 you're the best .

FL 💋 : meet me by the gym in 5 mins , and we can go together.

Me : okay cool 😘

"And a strawberry smoothie" Malik said to the lady behind the counter.

She had long Brazilian hair, pretty brown skin complexion, and a fat ass.

"Will that be all for you?" She said staring at him.

He turned and looked at me.

"That's all you want baby?"

"Umm... Yes."

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