My hero (11)

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Malik's POV

"Malik...Im...pregnant." Kylee said to me.

What?! My eyes grew wider as she flipped the screen and showed me two positive pregnancy tests. I was speechless. I couldnt come up with anything to say, so i just hung up. 


I havent talked to Kylee in a while. After that day i hung up on her, i had been calling her nonstop. I guess she's ignoring me. I know she's mad but she cant just shut me out like that. I put another kid inside her, and this time i was going to be there. 

I got up, and packed me clothes.. Im going to Dominican Republic. 

Im pretty familiar with the area because my dad used to bring us down here to visit his family. He is Dominican and my mom is from NY. They met at a club in New York when my dad came here for business. 


The flight from Atlanta, to D.R had me EXHAUSTED. All i wanted to do was sleep, but i had no time for sleep when my pregnant girlfriend is probally crying her eyes out, and laying in bed. My boy Casper found out where Kylee was staying. It was a safe house of the corner of a beach. It was 10:43AM in D.R and I was on my way to Kylee's house. I stopped at a poppy store to get me and Kylee some chinese food. Even though she was mad at me, i know that the food would make it better on her. 

I pulled into the driveway, and went up to the door. I noticed that the door had been kicked in and immediately ran in in search for Kylee.

"KYLEE!" I yelled, bursting through doors that was closed. One room door was locked, when i tried to open it. I knocked on it, and heard muffled screams from the other side. I kicked the door in. 

My heart began racing at what i seen. 

It was Kylee's mom, and Jace tied up with blindfolds around their eyes and mouth. I took it off immediately. Jace looked so terrified. I told them to stay put as I went downstairs to get both of them some water. Lord knows how long they've been sitting in that room. 

I went back upstairs to se Jace cuddled up to his mother, and crying in her chest. 

"Hello, I'm Malik. Kylee's boyfriend." I said to her mom. She had never met me, but im sure Kylee had told her stories about me hurting her, or whatever it is that mothers and daughters talk about. 

"I know.. How did you find us." She asked. She had a busted lip and her neck had been bruised. 

"I cam looking for Kylee.." I said....Kylee.

"Where is she?" I said going into panic mode. 

"I dont know, me and jace was in my room watching tv, when i heard crashing coming from downstairs. Jose was out for the night to handle business. I told Jace that i would be back, and went downstairs. Next thing i know, I was being chased after by a big buff dude. I ran into my room, and told Jace to hide in the closet. I ran into Kylee room but she wasnt there. After i left out of her room, Jace was out of the closet and tied up.." She started to cry. 

"One of the men....One of the men began raped me, and told me if i screamed, I'd be a dead bitch. Then, i woke up here.. Tied up." She said explaining the story. 

I was lost for words.

"Have you seen Jose?" I said referring to Kylee's dad.

"No.. I thought u were him when you came in. He hasnt been here." She said. 

As soon as she said that, i heard a car door shut. 

"Stay here!" I said demanding them. 

I walked down the stars to see Jose.. Mad. His face was red, and his jaw was clenched. 

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