Here's to New Beginnings.. (6)

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Malik POV 

After hearing all what Kylee went through when i left her had me heartbroken. I was so angry at myself. I had to go hit a lick. That was the only way i could relieve some stress. I went back home, put on my black sweatshirt, and some J's. I pulled my hood over my head, and pulled the strings so only my eyes were showing. I grabbed my gun that was in my shoe box under my bed, and I walked out the house.

I seen two niggas sitting on a car, in front of a drug store. It was almost 3:00 in the morning. The only thing on and popping at this time of night is drops, and hoes making money on the corners. 

I walked over to them. 

"Aye wassup? Yall holding?" I asked raising a eyebrow. 

"Yea what you want?" The taller dudes said. 

"A whole sack." I said.

"Word? Thats $250." The short one said excitedly.

You can tell these some new niggas on the block. 

"Alright i'll take it." I told them.

The tallest one reached in to his pocket and pulled out a full sack of weed. He waited for me to pull out my money. 

I pretended i was going into my pocket, and pulled out my gun. It was already cocked back, so all i had to do was squeeze the trigger. 


THey both were laid out on the floor, in a pool of blood. I grabbed the sack of weed, and ran into the alley way. I got rid of Sasha (my gun) and took my hood off.I had been walking for atleast 10 minutes, I was almost home when a cop pulled up beside me. 

"Excuse me sir, may i have a word with you?" The cop said when he rolled down his window all the way. 

"Yea wassup" I walked over to the car. I had to play it cool or they would think something was up and follow my ass home. 

"It was a shooting, a few blocks down. We got a call saying that the guy was wearing all black." He said looking me up and down. "SHIT!!" I said in my head.

"May i ask where u coming from sir?" The cop asked getting out the car. 

"My ex girlfriend house, we just had an argument, and I left." I said with much confidence. 

"Where does you ex girlfriend live sir?" The cop asked taking out his flashlight and shining them in my eyes. 

"Piney Circle, if you want me to call her, she'll tell you herself." I said blocking the light out my eyes. 

He put up his flashlight. "No thats okay, thanks for your time. I wish the best of luck for you and your girlfriend.. Have a good night" The cop told me while walking over to his car. 

"Thanks you too Sir" I told him. 

He drove off. I aint want his ass knowing where i lived if he was checking my ass out, so I walked a couple house down and pretending to unlock the door. The same cop passed by again looking at the house i was suposedly going in to. I knew it. Sneaky bastard. 

I walked back down to my house, unlocked the door. Once i got in my room, i flopped down on my bed. The bag of weed fell out. If that cop would have searched me, my ass would be grass right now!

I took out a wrap, rolled a blunt, and smoked my problems away. 


Kaylee' POV

I have school this morning. I really didnt feel like going because i had stayed up all night thinking about what Malik said to me. I couldnt get any sleep. I was tired. So i decided that i would ditch school with Naomi, and get her to come with me to buy me a new car with the money my dad have given me that night. She was still over my house. She was laying next to me with the covers kicked off her. I l was going to let her sleep, but i had to wake Jace up so he could go to school. 

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