Chapter 3

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That night Carlisle informed us that the Denali's would be moving in with us for a month or so because in Alaska it was the period of time when there is a midnight sun and they can't risk being seen hunting. So we decided we would wait to hunt until they arrived and I had an idea that a party was in order. "Please! Oh, please Carlisle?!" I begged him. I desperately wanted to throw Kate and Garret a suprise "Congrats on Your Engagement Party" but I needed to clear it with him first. Jasper was eyeing him and I knew what he was trying to do."We can decide by playing rock, paper, scissors I win!"

"Alice, a party...fine," Carlisle agreed.

"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hugged him and he hugged me back. In that moment I felt so childish I wanted our father-daughter hug to last longer. I realized that I had been lacking on properly maintaing a relationship with Carlisle and others but focusing on my most precious of precious things, Jasper. I guess this was my wake up call that I needed to maintain relationships with my family. "I missed you Carlisle." He smiled and hugged me closer.

"I've missed you, daughter," and then the moment was over but we both left feeling like we had built a bridge over the trench I had dug between us. "Oh, and you should thank Jasper for concinving me." Carlisle winked and I laughed but agreed.

"Thanks Jasper," I hugged him and he kissed me lightly. "Now I really must be on my way I have a long shopping list of party supplies and neccessities-"

"Okay let's go-"

"Alone Jasper," I reminded him. "I want to do this alone."

"Please be safe," Jazz whispered in my ear. He pressed his lips passionatetly to mine and I almost ditched going shopping at all, but if I had I would have been Rosalie not Alice. Alice never turns down shopping. Never. "Please Freaky Little Monster."

"I promise, I'll be safe at the big scary shopping center! Rawr!" I teased. He stared at me and I had this feeling that he was dead serious. I nodded and gave him one last kiss goodbye. I felt bad about lying to Jasper but I needed to go to Biloxi alone. My sister may be dead but my niece was alive and well and I needed to see her before she was gone as well. I needed to put my human life behind me, end the mystery for once and for all so I could focus on what matters most to me. Jasper.

I sprinted to my yellow porsche and found Rose waiting for me. "We're going shopping fun!" She sqealed and I was suprised. Rose and I are not as close as we once were. When Bella joined the picture I became really close to her leaving Rosalie in the dark. Rose doesn't socialize well with others who choose to forfeit human life but now that there's a Renesmee she is starting to forgive Bella. We arrived at the mall in ten minutes due to my fast driving skills and Rosalie immediately went to her favorite designer store.

"I'll catch up with you I have some party shopping to do," I explained.

"Another party Alice?" That seemed to be everyone's response to my party throwing habits. She rolled her eyes and nodded, "Okay meet you here in ten."

I quickly went supply shopping, the favorite thing I bought being matching Bride and Groom hats. Then I made my escape. I ran to the car and stashed my supplies in the trunk. I left the keys on the driver's seat, discreetly only a vampire would see, and started running. Everything should have been a blur but it was not. I ran through the forest watching as a baby bird took its first flight. As a deer sprinted away from me, my throat burned. I had not hunted in a while and I side tracked to kill a few deer. My throat ached a little but it was managable. I kept running diagonally across the country, I reached Missouri by nightfall. My gut wrenched because I knew Jasper would be worried sick. Everyone would be and I wished there was some way that I could tell them from here not to worry but I could not. I kept running. My hearing died out and my sight was gone.

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