Chapter 10

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Are you insane if you have mood swings because you obsess with your love? I was not quite sure yet. I waited with my family for Charlie and Sue to arrive. The newborns were all blinking their eyes trying not to focus on the contact lens itself but the surrounding areas. The newborns had adapted quickly to the no hunting humans rule and were pretty tame in comparison to Victoria's newborns that is. Laura and Ellen sat on either side of me. Madi, who had claimed Drake as her mate, was standing with him. Ellen was happy as ever and sitting near her made you happy.

Eleazer snapped his fingers and stood up. "Didyme!" We all looked at him. That was the name of Marcus's dead mate. "Ellen's gift! I have only seen it once before ot was Didyme's gift! The irony," he finished.

"Gift?" Ellen asked curiously.

"The way you make everyone around you hapoy, it is a gift, like Jaspe..." his voice died out as he eyed me.

"You can say his name, he's not the dead one, I'm the dead one,"I told him.

"It's like Jasper's gift but one way. You are always happy and you mae other people happy. Didyme could do that but her and Marcus they were so absorbed with each other Marcus quit caring about Aro's plans for vampire dominance. Aro stepped in and murdered Didyme."

"And MARCUS WAS JUST OKAY WITH THAT!?!?!" I screamed thingking of how furious, how hopeless I would be without Jazz and how I would murder who murdered him.

"Marcus doesn't know who murdered her, but he just quit caring about his life when he lost her."

"I have a great-great-great-great relative named Didyme but she-"Ellen began.

"How intriuging that is," Eleazer whispered.

"Do you think she is the same one?" Ellen asked.

"I know she is the same one," Eleazer gasped.

"Charlie's here," I informed them. "Hold your breath and move your should-"

"The cat's out of the bag Alice, we mght as well let Charlie embrace us as we truly are," Carlisle corrected. "Just hold your breaths." Charlie and Sue approached the door at a slow human pace. "Hello, Charlie, welcome to our home."

Charlie nodded and walked in. Renesme ran over to him and he twirled her around with some effort. "Hey Bells," he looked up and that was when he saw how many of us there were. "What's going on here?"

Bella stepped forward, Edward right behind her. "Dad, Jacob cut to the chase in telling you you don't live in the world you thought you lived in. Well, I am here to tell you what we all really are. Dad I'm a vampire. Alice is a vampire. Edward is a vampire. Carlisle is a vampire, Esme, Rose, Emmett, Jazz, and everyone else. Jacob is a shapeshifter and Renesmee is half vampire half human. I'm undead. I drink blood, Dad-"

Charlie was backing away from us and Sue was forcing him to stay. "Is this some kind of joke? Bells you can't be a murderer-"

"Dad I am a vampire but I don't kill people, we hunt animals, not all vampires follow our diet-"

"What happened to 'need to know only'?" Charlie asked.

"Because it doesn't matter anymore. The Volturi are coming tomorrow to kill you and us and either we all die or we all live so it just doesn't matter-"

"The Volturi?"Charlie asked, trying not to freak out. "Who the hell are they?" And so went the hour of explaining and reassuring. "I know too much? Sure I thought you weren't human anymore but I didn't think human I was thinking more beautiful, undead, zombie!"

"Charlie you thought I was a zombie?" I asked taken aghast.

"Well I just didn't think vampire," he whispered. "So what now?"

"Now we go to the clearing and wait for the Volturi to come," Bella explained. "And Garrett will probably tell us some Revolutionary War stories."

"You bet," Garrett nodded.

"Revolutionary War?!" Charlie asked.

"He's not even the oldest one here Charlie," Carlisle smiled.

"But don't worry Charlie when the Volturi arrive you amd Renesmee will ride away on Jacob's back and go meet Jasper," Bella explained.

"Well, let's go have a vampire camp-out!" Charlie laughed but he was trying to lighten the mood and not have a mental breakdown as we unfolded all this information to him.

"Your family handles weird so well,"Edward stated amazed and we all noded in agreement.

I raced Edward to our normal camp site because we were both impatient with the humans and he won of course. We collected some logs and manually started the fire. We didn't have Benjamin who could just start a flame for us. I knocked down some trees and made benched,s for everyone. Log benches. Edward set up the tent and the others caught up to us. The packs met us then, in wolf form, and laid down making a protective circle. Renesmee went to bed, with much protesting, and everyone else sat around the fire. I

longed for Jasper desperatetly but I knew he was better off where he was. Garrett sat down and rubbed his hands together, "You want a good story, eh?" Everyone laughed and Kate leaned up against him. "Here goes nothing."

Garrett told his stories but I was lost in my own thoughts. I was remembring Jasper and I's fondest memories. I remember I scared him so terribly when I took Bella to Volterra to save Edward but I lied to him so Aro wouldn't hurt him, wouldn't have the chance. When I had gotten back he had been so mad at me and I had laughed saying, "Overprotective fool." Jasper had laughed and kised me. Then as we left the diner that fiest day I remember him telling me. "You held out your hand, and I took it with out stopping to make sense of what I was doing. For rhe first time in over a century, I felt hope." You know, my forst memory as a vampire is of Jasper. He was the first vampire vision I had and he was the last vision I had. Jasper,I thought to myself, I love you, I miss you, I am so sorry, I had to save you.

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