Chapter 13

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Aro pulled out at the head of the formation, Sulpicia to his right and Chelsea right behind him as always. Caius was next to Sulpicia with Athenadora behind him, slightly, and Marcus was to Aro's left, shaking his head disdainfully. I glared at Aro. He was searching and I knew exactly who he was looking for, Jasper. His plans were all based on having him to capture me and start a total uproar, but now Jasper was not here and fifteen newborns were.

"Carlisle,"Aro spoke breaking the silence.

"Aro," Carlisle spit his name. He clenched his fists and pulled Esme closet to his side. She hissed at Aro and hid her face in Carlisle's chest. Esme was not a fighter, it wasn't in her compassionate nature, she relied on Carlisle's protection to survive an assault.

"We meet again, and again you have intentions of destroying me!" Aro laughed and his tone got low and serious. "But you will lose Carlisle." His shiny black hair crowded around his dark features as he sneered at us. I hissed under my breath and Carlisle shot me a look. Aro smiled and clapped his hands together, dramatically rolling his head to look at me. "Oh, what Alice? Have you seen my end again? Because if you did would you have sent your poor defenseless mate away?" Defenseless? Who the hell did he think he is? I hisse an fury balled up inside me, don't attack Alice, I tried to calm myself. No use.

Carlisle shot me a look again,"Alice don't-" Sorry Carlisle.

"JASPER IS NOT DEFENSELESS HE COULD KILL YOU!" I screamed hissing louder at him. I was infuriated. No one talked bad about my mate! No. One. I crouched ready to attack. "You would be too EASY to DESTROY YOU POWER HUNGRY BASTARD!" That did it.

Aro laughed and threw his head back, Sulpicia, sneered, Caius and Athenadora laughed and Marcus looked intently at the ground. He did not want to be here, to be fighting again. He would probably just forfeit and die happy again. "And when he does you can say I told you so, but until then," Aro stopped laughing, everyone stopped. "Jane."

Bella grunted as she made sure every part of her shield was around us and then relaxed. Jane's attacks made little thudding noises as they met the shield. Jane hissed. Carlisle stepped forward and the shield followed him, attached to each and everyone of our body's stretching and recoiling as we moved. "You are wrong again, Aro. I was not the one who decided to destroy, you made that decision and Alice saw it. I have gathered these people here but they were already at my house, I did not scout again. Because Aro NO ONE DESTROYS MY FAMILY! " Carlisle roared his arms hugging Esme tightly to his chest he stared at Aro and shook his head. "No one hurts my Esme, Aro."

Aro sighed a dramatized sigh and batted his eyelashes, "Oh, Carlisle don't speak when not spoken too. You can really get yourself in trouble." He smile at Esme and she cowered, "Jane."

Esme squeezed her eyes shut and Carlisle wrapped himself around her tiny body. Jane never reached her and she clung to Carlisle.

"Stop this foolishness and get the human!" Caius roared over Aro's immature banter.

"Go!"I mouthed to Jacob and he nodded his russet head turning and fleeing in to the woods with Nessie and Charlie heading for Jasper.

"Alice!" Aro hissed snapping his fingers. "Well, before we destroy your coven for being very naughty," he smiled. "Let me read your thoughts, you seem very remorseful." Felix and Demetri walked over towards me and Bella worked to keep her shield just around me. They clutched me by each arm and yanked me towards Aro. I fought against them but to no avail.

"You have no witnesses Aro why not say the truth!?! Alice can join you or die! Her thoughts are no more remorseful than you or I's thoughts!" Eleazer spoke up. His voice echoeing over the field and lingering in our ears. "You know she will never join you so you will destroy her to infuriate us all, right? When will you ever change your strategy? Over and over the same thing-"

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