Chapter 6

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"Carlisle, it's happening,"I warned him.

He stood up from where he was sitting and motioned for Eleazer and Kachiri to follow him. "Jasper would you mind accompanying me?" Jasper kissed my lips lightly and followed him. "Oh and you all might want to stay down here while we situate the newborns." We nodded and stayed seated. It felt weird not having Jasper with me. Esme came and sat down by me. Tanya on the other side of her. Esme wrapped an arm around me and held hands with Tanya.

"It feels weird without him, I know. You feel so vulnerable and lost but he is just upstairs,"Esme comforted me.

"I don't know how you do it, Esme. Everytime Carlisle has to keave your side you are so calm and cool and collective-" I began.

"That's because I have faith and know he will be back and of something were to happen I am always surrounded by people who would protect me, right Edward?" She raised an eyebrow and he laughed. "Besides Carlisle and I , we just are always together even when we are not together we still are. You can seperate our bodies but never will you be able to seperate our souls from each other." Esme explained with a smile. "Our hearts from each other. Our love is too entangled with the other you can never get one without the other."

"That was beautiful,"I gasped.

"Atleast you both have somebody,"Tanya mumbled.

Esme smiled empathetically at her and sqeezed her hand, "You'll find someone, everyone has a soul mate waiting for them."

"It's harder now seeing as Kate has Garrett and Carmen has Eleazer, I'm all alone," Tanya sighed.

Nessie came in then, Bella at her side. "Hi aunt Alice, hi Grandma, Tanya," she waved. "We're going hunting!" Bella nodded and they headed out the back door. Renesmee's curls bobbing behind her as she went. Jasper, hurry, I thougt to myself. Edward smiled at me and added, "It'll be fine Alice. He's upstairs." You haven't seen what I've seen, I thought back and so began our my thoughts and his words conversation. "When?" While you were gone I had the vision of the Volturi coming for Charlie and coming to battle but I saw several different outcomes and Jasper did not survive any of them. "Oh my god." Edward my gift is a curse! To know I am going to lose everything! "I'm so sorry." I can't lose Jasper, Edward. "I know the feeling." Jazz is my Bella. If he dies I die. "Esme would never-" I can kill myself. "How?" Ever since the vision I have come up with a few ways. I could jump in to a fire. "Why are you teling me this?" I need someone to talk to. "Do you realize the pain?" Edward you attempted suicide you didn't care about the pain did you! "I'll miss you." I'll miss you. "I love you." I love you.

I didn't realize people were staring. Esme was worried sick and other people were eying Edward like he might be insane. "What's going on?" Esme asked. "What is this 'I'll miss you' crap?"

"Nothing," I whispered. Then I had a vision. Carlisle and Eleazer and Kachiri had taken the newborns hunting. Renesmee. They smelled her blood. Fifteen against two, Kachiri had fled the scene in order to keep herself from hunting. "EDWARD!" I screamed but he was already running.

"No!" Edward screamed runing after his daughter.

"Come on! Newborns! Hunting! Nessie!" They understood and we all took off in to the woods. "CARLISLE! CARLISLE NESSIE'S OUT HERE!" I screamed.

"HELP!" Nessie screamed. I jumped and stood in front of Nessie. Bella was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Bella?" I asked.

"I ran off to hunt on my own!" Nessie told me.

The first newborn lunged. "RUN NESSIE!" I screamed. She took off running towards the house. "JASPER! CARLISLE! EMMETT! HELP! HELP!" I grabbed the newborns neck but he was stronger and he slammed me on to the ground, Jasper lunged and beat him so hard I thought the newborn might fall apart.

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