Chapter 14

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Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. Jasper. JASPER!

My thoughts as we raced bsck to the home. Everything it was better than wonderful it was perfect and for once I had seen wrong amd it had saved me. Marcus was going to leave for Volterra the next day along with al the newborns who had decided that Volterra would be a way for them to help enforce the principles, morals, and values that Kachiri, Eleazer and Carlisle had instilled in them. So we spent our last evening together playing a game of Nessie's choice. Baseball. I was pitcher as usual. We divided up in to teams, and when Jasper had asked, "Is there a storm coming?"

Marcus had replied, "Who the hell cares let the humans be confused" and we had all laughed.

So now I was waiting as Marcus stepped up to home plate and then, I chucked the ball at him. Now would be a good time to mentiom he jad ditched his anciemt clothes amd cloak for hjeans and a wait t-shirt smd had pulled his hair in to a pony tail. He focused on the ball and CRACK! It soared through the air and Edward zoomed after it.

"Go Daddy!" Nessie hollered. She and Jake's pack were the cheerleaders for our her dad's time and Sam's pack were the cheerleaders for Marcus's team. Bella was umpire with Esme.

"To your east!" I called out to Edward.

"Cheaters!" Jasper teased from the other team. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed. He ran over to me and I kissed him so hard. He smiled and pulled away.

"Traitor!" Carlisle called from Jasper's team.

I pecked his lips and gazed in to his eyes. "I love you so much," I whispered and he nodded.

"Always have, always will," Jazz replied with a heavy southern acxent and I smiled wider. "I know, I know later! You owe me a lot of laters!" He joked as he made his way back to the other team. Edward was running after Marcus and he just barely hit home plate. Marcus slid and Edward tapped his leg.

"You're out!" Esme called and glanced at Bella.

"Yep you're out!" She smiled.

"Yay Daddy!" Nessie cheered jumping up and down and Seth and Jacob lifted her up above their heads. Leah laughed at the two boys and everyone had a marvelous time. As the sun was setting we all decided to go in and as we walked the sun shined down on us causing an array of overwhelming sparkling happy, love struck vampires. I stared at Jasper as he sparkled and kissed his lips. He stared at me with a familiar look of adoration and love and wanting and needing. He picked me up and ran to the house where he locked our door. I kissed him hungrily and he stopped pulled away.

"Alice," Jazz whispered.

"Yes?" I asked in shock and I realized I had so much to say.

"What goes on in that pixie head of yours?" He laid down on the bed and I cuddled up next to him.

"Jasper it was the only way, how I wish you could ready my mind so I xould just show you!" Then I started explaining. "If you had been there Aro would have captured you and used you to get me to join the Volturi and if I had refused he would have killed you and if I agreed he still killed you. I couldn't let you be destroyed , Jazz, I just couldn-" Jasper lips were on mine and I wrapped my fingers around his back. I flung my shirt off and that was when he pulled away.

"You're locket, it's not around your neck," Jasper stated staring at me. I pulled out the letter and cloth and handed it to him.

"No it broke open and I saw this letter for the first time, "I told him and he gaped.

"You had never seen this letter, all those times it rested right in the nape of your neck and you never knew," Jazz whispered and he picked up the cloth. "This is from my uniform..."

"Maria gave it to me I think she finally understands how much you mean also gave me these," I showed him the beaded rope necklaces. "She gave me three and I had one on she said if you made a wish, according to legend,when it broke off your wish came true. Mine broke off when Aro slapped me and shoved me to the ground. I had wished that you were safe and you were-"

"Because I saved your pixie ass," Jasper asked raising an eyebrow.

"Something like that," I responded and placed a necklace in his hand. "Make a wish."

"Together," Jasper kissed my cheek.

We tied each other's necklaces and at the same time said, "I wish for forever with my love." By the next morning the necklaces were broken on the floor.

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