Chapter 5

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The next morning Carlisle split us up in to teams. Only those who could control their thirst were allowed to go. Eleazer, myself, Edward, and Carlisle. I went to prove to myself I could stop but just in case I was in a team with Edward. Eleazer would search the streets for starving teens and young adults, Carlisle would cover his hospital, and Edward and I would go to the hospital in Seattle. Edward and I would change five, Eleazer five, and Carlisle five. Carlisle was choosing the five to join our coven, Eleazer the five for his coven, and Edward and I chose for Kachiri's coven because they thirsted on human blood and none would be able to stop themselves.

Jasper kissed me goodbye,"Take care of her Edward." and we were off.

"So what's the plan?" I asked Edward sitting in the car outside the hospital.

"What plan?" Edward smiled and led me in to the hospital. The nurse tried to stop us but Edward got us through. "We are here to sing for the terminally ill patients, specifically the young adults and teenagers." The nurse nodded buying our excuse and led us to a select few rooms.

I gazed in to one room, a young girl, no older than fifteen was hooked up to a million machines. Edward searched for what caused it, "Suicide attempt. Jumped-"

"Off a cliff?" I asked sarcastically.

He shook his head. "Off a bridge, I don't see how she survived this long, her parents have already been told she is dead." I shrugged. "Do you want to change her?"

"Please don't let me kill an innocent girl," I told Edward and he nodded. I bent down by her neck and whispered, "Here's your second chance." I sank my teeth in to her skin and the warm flow of blood entered my mouth. I wanted to drink her dry. Remember who you are! Make Carlisle proud! Make Jasper proud! I pulled away and Edward quickly unhooked her from her machines and I took her out to the car so fast I was a blur that a human eye would not notice. I laid her in the back seat and returned. Edward had changed two boys already and he took them out. I approached the next room. A young woman, 28, according to her papers. Ovarian cancer, single, family deceased. She was concious. "Do you want to

live?" I asked her and she nodded her head with what energy she had. I bit down on her and forced myself to stop. I let Edward do the last female and we drove home. Their screams made me cringe and I was tearlessly sobbing in to Edward's shoulder. At home we took the humans up to Carlisle's office where fifteen cots were placed. I carefully strapped down the three girls and Edward did the two boys. The straps simply kept them from falling off the cot as they changed since they had no morphine to paralyze them like Bella.

I ran down to Jasper and he held me in his arms. "I know your throat must be killing you but guess what! I changed two!"

Jasper rewarded me with a kiss, "I am so proud of you." I smiled for him and we waited.

Carlisle returned a few hours later and Esme wanted to see the newcomers. A young mother who had been shot at gun point, a teenage boy who was in a motorcycle accident, a teenage girl who was dying of an unknow cause, a teenge boy who was beat to death trying to guard his mother from an abuser and a young man who had broken his neck while trying to fix a roof.

Esme turned and shot Edward a glance. She wrapped herself tightly in Carlisle's arms. "I still remember all too well how I was beat by my ex-husband. He abused me and my family told me to just keep quiet because he was wealthy. When he was drafted in World War, I had some peace but he came back. I found out I was pregnant and I ran away but he found me I ran away and had my baby only for him to die and then I jumped off a cliff," she was shaking in Carlisle's arms. "Carlisle treated me when I was a little girl and he found me when I was dead, or nearly. He saved me. And then Edward got my ex-husband." She smiled at Edward who looked ashamed.

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