Chapter 15

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"I love you, I love you, I love you," Jasper whispered in my ear. "Do you know that yesterday was our 64th year anniversary?"

"I totally forgot amidst the whole about to have my head ripped off and fighting and baseball," I laughed."Of course I knew."

He hugged me and then he addes,"We have to say good-bye to our friends," Jasper reminded me.

I nodded and went to get dressed. I put on a blue dress that reached the top of my knee and placed the letter and cloth in my bra again. Jasper, hmm, I handed him blsck jeans with chains and a collared shirt. I always picked out his outfits because no one dressed by me looks like an idiot. Jasper dressed and we went down the stairs to say our good-byes. Carlisle and Eleazer were going over some law details since Marcus still said they were the head commanders and Garrett was talking about how now he would have participated in thw war that ended the Volturi but we decided to call it the WW V which could be read as world war vampire or world war volturi we really did not have an opinion on that.

Marcus was standing in the doorway his hand around Ellen's hip and he had a smile plastered on his face. He looked healthy, at peace. His skin was not so translucent and his eyes were a healthy red colored. The surviving newborns were all standing around them, except for Jedidiah and Nola. Nola wished to remain with Zafrina, Kachiri, and Senna who she already consisered sisters and Jedidiah was staying with his soulmate Tanya.

"Good bye,"I waved as they turned and fled the scenery. Ellen laughed at something Marcus had said and he laughed.

"Finally,"Marcus exclaimed. "Finally I have a reason to live."

"I'm so happy for him," Carlisle told us. He kissed Esme's head again and added."I never knew him when he had Didyme but if he was anything like that how could you take happiness from somebody?" Carlisle gave Esme a prized look d she smiled and he kissed her lips. "I love you Esme, I would die a thousand times for you." Kiss. "You will always be my Esme."

"And forever you are mine, Carlisle," Esme responded.

The moment was so intimate and personal for the two I just clapped and cheered. Everyone laughed.

Zafrina, in her wild woman normal attire, greeted us,"My sisters and I would like to thank you for adding wonderful joys to our coven." She smiled at Nola who had black dots painted in a 3 shape laying on its side over her eyes. The formal painting welcoming a person in to a coven or tribe. Senna and Kachiri had created Nola a similar wild woman outfit and they were all dressed similarily.

"Thank you for saving me," Nola said to Edward and I.

"We have to leave soon but we will spread the word of what the Cullens' have done for us all," Kachiri bowed her head at us.

"Not without Zafrina's talents and your numbers," Carlisle corrected.

Senna laughed and added, "Good-bye Carlisle, good-bye everyone."

Renesmee then ran over to them and placed her hand against Zafrina's face and she laughed. "Of course," she replied and Renesmee was under a trance. I searched Zafrina's mind to see what she was showing her. It was their home. The Amazon forest. It was beautoful. Lush green trees, beautiful birds in an array of different colors and patterns and sizes. Animals like leopards and jaguars stalking strange, exotic prey like okapi. The Amazon river lush and green running through the scenery. It was so beautiful. I sighed in enjoyment and then it was gone.

"Thank you," Renesmee said graciously.

"That was beautiful Zafrina,"I complemented her.

"Well I did edit out some of the not so touristic parts of the forest, you must visit again soon! We much enjoyed your company this summer, my wild child!" Zafrina waved and ran out.

Kachiri hugged Carlisle and kissed his cheek, "Good-bye, Carlisle!" Then the wild women were running and for our and Nessie's enjoyment they sang out their wild cries of vicroeuy and celebration. Like a beautiful exotic animal calling out to its members. They were truly something special.

It was just the Denalis left and we were all still smiles. Rosalie spoke up first. She fell back on to the white plush couch and shook her head in disbelief. "It's over! Everything! The Volturi is dead! Gone! Forever!" Then she did something we had not heard ever. She laughed. A beautiful, high, joy filled laugh. Rose then jumped up and hugged Carlisle. She embraced him so hard and she smiled so wide. "Thank you for creating me! You could have left me to die there in the streer but you nrought me to life. I know I have been a spoiled, vain litrle vampire girl ungrateful for everything you have given me but thank you! Thank you for changing Emmett! Thank you for everything! For the upbringing you have given us all! I think I speak for everyone when I say you gave us all the lives we deserved as humans but were stolen wrongfully from us. Thank you so much! For the first time in a long time life is GREAT! We, we are free!" Rosalie jumped up and down. She had a huge smile on her face and she was really truly happy.

Emmett hugged her and twirled her around, "Hell yeah, we are!"

"You're welcome," Carlile smiled and Esme hugged him. Everyone was smiling even more. We didn't need Ellen to be happy, we just needed each other. That's the thing about love, it conquers all and as the Beatles once sang, "Love is all you need."

I laughed and hugged Jasper tight, his lips met mine and I parted mine letting him in. His breath was sweet and cool and I loved it. I loved him. We pulled apart and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned my back against his chest, where my tiny pixie like body fit perfectly.

Nothing could destroy what we had. No one could threaten us anymore because we were overwhelming not because of our numbers but because we would never betray another, because we had powerful relationships, connections, tied with bonds of love. The Denalis left eventually and it was bittersweet as always.

"Remember we are just in Alaska!" Carmen reminded us. We all nodded and she sighed. "Good byes are so bittersweet." Eleazer kissed her cheek and she giggled. "So long!"

Garrett and Kate left after them, "So long my oatriotic friends!" He said and they were off.

Tanya lingered and embraced Esme. "You were right, so right, I love you Esme,like my own mother. Thank you for everything!" Esme sobbed tearlessly but it was joyful nd she nodded.

"As if you were my own daughter," Esme whispered and then Tanya linked arms with Jedidiah and they were gone.

"And then there was one," Edward stated.

"Yes, one happy, loving, bonded, forgiving, forever coven,"Jasper stated and we all agreed.

That night I laid with Jasper and we continued into the start of a forever of blissful nights. We would have more risks, trials, errors, and doubts to come but I hinestly doubted there was anything we could not conquer.

"I love you," I said in between kisses.

"Always have, always will," Jasper responded.

"I know," I said and he smiled kissong me again. Cue the happily ever after.

the end....of the beginning of forever.

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