Chapter 4

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The next day I started setting up for the Denalis arrival. I switched to white lace table cloths and hung strings of lights, lanterns, and more. I changed to our finest silverware,even though that would not matter and put out specially made balloons. Jasper continued to watch me like a hawk, but I could not really blame him. He was handling himself quite well. Not acting one hundred percent grumpy and pissed, only fifty-fifty. I smiled at him again and he gave me the look and I sighed. He would be mad for a while. You might be wondering where Edward, Bella, and Renesmee are? Well they are in Brazil visiting Zafrina, Senna, and Kachiri. They have been gone for a month and are due back anyday now.

I heard tires turning on to our driveway. "They're here!" Everyone rushed to greet our Denali cousins.

"Congratulations Kate! Garrett!" I exclaimed placing the proper hats on their heads.

"Thank you Alice I suppose you could have called me and let me know her answer beforehand to limit my stress?" Garrett asked me.

"But that would ruin all the fun," I winked and he laughed.

"Why so protective Jazz?" Garrett asked.

"Alice ran away two days ago and came back yesterday, I'm just making sure she doesn't escape again without me with her."

Oh, no I thought as my hearing died out. I saw the Volturi. Aro was laughing. "Another human the Cullens have exposed our kind too? Do they care at all? Well I doubt they plan on changing this man, they have no one left who could have fallen in love with him."

Caius smiled, "This will be fun."

Marcus sighed, "I don't see why you two demand on fighting them, let us kill the human and leave with peace."

Aro slammed his fist on the table, "I am TIRED of leaving in peace! They have precious gifts to me, especially that psychic, Alice."

"She'll never join while her family is alive, really while Jasper is alive."Cauis stated

"And Edward won't join with Bella or Renesmee alive." Aro added. "And besides do you think they would let us go and destroy their human friend? They didn't allow it before."

"Do you have no concern over what's left for your soul?" Marcus asked. "I will not kill in cold blood."

"Have they gotten in your head, too, brother?" Cauis asked.

"No, I've just got my own head," Marcus stated.

"Well we go then and soon, while its summer. In three weeks, we shall bring everyone again and this time we won't disappoint." Aro finished and Cauis smiled. Marcus sighed and closed his eyes.

"Oh, no!" I exclaimed. Jasper was holding me in his arms and I was terrified. "The Volturi! They're coming for Bella's father! They found out, they say he knows too much, but that's just their excuse! They come to finish what they started before!"

"Bella won't let them kill her father, not without a fight," Rosalie stated.

"It doesn't matter whether we fight or not they will. We can only prepare," I answered.

Carnen spoke next, "We will fight with you."

Carlisle shook his head, "Carmen that is very gracious of you but we will not risk your lives over something you are not endangered with."

"No, it will be nice to fight with you because of courage and not debt, we will fight," Carmen demanded.

Eleazer nodded, "It seems to me we are fighting for our freedom now. The Volturi is too power hungry to remain ruling."

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