Chapter 9

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The plane landed and the sun was rising. One day. One day left. I sprinted up to Forks from California and set the new record for myself. I snuck up to the front door and walked in. "Anybody home?" I asked smiling, but inside I was falling apart. This was what I had to do to protect Jasper but how badly I wanted him to run to me screaming at me that I am crazy and kiss me madly like when I came home from Biloxi. Esme ran down the stairs and twirled me around.

"Alice you can't keep doing this to us," she sighed in relief. Carlisle kissed my cheeks and Edward hugged me to his chest. Unusual then he dragged me outside.

"You are much braver and smarter than I am Alice,"he complimented me. "It takes a lot of sacrifice to do what you did to save your love. I never would have been able to part with Bella and Renesmee."

"Thanks Edward,"I beamed and went back inside."Okay before you guys sign me in to a vampire asylum," I shuddered from the memories. "Let me explain. I did what I did to get Jasper away from here. I can see the future and Aro continued to capture Jasper and use him as bait to get me to join the Volturi guard and he killed him if I joined and if I didn't. I am sorry i have put you guys through a lot of Hell but I won't lose Jasper andso I had to send him away." They cheered and I was caught off guard. "Why are you cheering?"

Carlisle spoke,"I have raised you well. You have done the most selfless act."

Self-less? I put my family to ensure my love's safety and forfeited my own life for him, self-less not really. Well...maybe...just a little. "Oh and we need to get Charlie to the field where we always seem to battle people. " I informed them. "That way the Volturi are on our lands and we can better protect Charlie."

That started the strategy mode. "So as soon as they arrive we need to send Renesmee away with Jacob, Charlie can ride on top of Jake too, right?" Bella spoke up.

"I think I can handle that old guy," Jacob smiled enrering the house. "Woah who's the newbies?" Bella hugged Jacob and he joined us in plotting.

"We need to get Demetri killed so our runners can stand a chance," I added.

"Why are we worried we tie them in vampire numbers and outnumber them if the wolves are included," Garrett piped up. He reclined in s chsir and crossed his arms and ankles.

"He's right,"Kate added sitting on his lap. They exchanged a kiss and I ran out of the house.

I was alone, I was empty, and I would be dead tomorrow. I ran in to the forest to sob with myself. I fingered the necklace Maria had given me and stared up at the stars. Oh, Jasper please be safe! I prayed again this time aloud, "God, coukd you please watch over my angel. I won't be able to tomorrow and I hope that he remembers how much I love him even when I can't tell him anymore. Please keep my family safe just take me if that solves everything. I sacrifice myself. Amen."

"Alice,"Carlisle called from the bottom of my tree. He jumped up and sat next ro me on the branch his arms protectively around me. "I heard you praying. So have you taken an interest in the Lord?"

I shook my head. "I am just trying to ensure Jasper is safe. Everyone is safe. God seems pretty reliable and all, " I finished. "But He isn't answering me, I guess it's because of what I am."

Carlisle kissed the top of my head and spoke,"I have learned that the best prayers are the unanswered prayers. Because they make you have faith that God will help you. When it comes to anything like this all I have to say is, His will be done."

"'His will be done'?" I asked Carlisle with curiosity.

"'Whatever will be will be'?"He rephrased.

"Ah, that's my era,"I nodded understanding and he huggd me close again. "I thanked Maria."

"What?" Carlisle asked me thinking he had misunderstood. "I thought you hated her for using Jasper."

"But she made Jasper,"a lightbulb clicked on in his head. "I thanked her for choosing him because he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And she gave me this," I pulled out the cloth. "It's from his confederate uniform."

Carlisle ran his fingers over the fabric."She finally understands how close you sre, does she."

I nodded and placed it back in my bra. "I will die with Jasper on my heart."

"We have to go soon and wait in the field soon,"Carlisle announced and I nodded.

"Carlisle," I called.

"Yes,?" He asked.

"Thank you for taking Jasper and I in,"I thanked him and we hugged again. "I love you, Daddy." The words came out befre I coukd stop them but Imeant it. I was alone except for my fsmily and this was the only father I ever had that I actually loved.

Carliisle smiled and kissed my forehead,"I love you, daughter."

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