Chapter 7

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The next morning the sun rose. A beautiful areay of purple, orange, yellow amd red eventually fading in to a perfect light blue. Summer was here full force now. Normally I would be ecstatic but not today. Jasper made a trail of kisses down my shoulder and I wanted to sob. We had one day left together, he didn't knlw it but I did. Today would be our last day and tomorrow I would lead him away, to safety. The Volturi would be here in one week and I had to get him away from here. One day and who knows if I would see him after that one day. I wrapped my arms around Jasper's neck and held as toght as I could.

"I love you, Jasper," I dry-sobbed. He was caught off guard and his face was pained as he felt all my emotions.

"Alice, I always have, I always will," Jaspwr answered the usual way and I felt my heart break. I bit my lip to hold in my sobs and rested my head on his shoulder. Hw rubbed my back and rocked me in his arms. "What's wrong,love? I feel vroken watchin you n,ve like this."

"Nothing, Jasper, It just occured to me that I could lose you anyday without knowing. Someine could be in the shadows waiting and," I lied but I wasn't even fooling myself.

Jasper cupped my chin and forced me to meet his gaze. My hwart broke again and I let out a sob. I pushed him away and ran out of the house. I needed to get thibgs arranged for him. I sprinted to Bella and Edward's cottage and bsnged on their door. Edward was coming I masked my thoughs thinking: shopping, clothes, summer, eareings, jewlery, bella, random girly things that would bore him. "Hello Alice-"

"Hey you should go see Jasper I need to talk to Bella, alone," I shoved Edward out of his own house and he shrugged walking to the main house. I searched the house and found Bella dressing in the closet. "BELLA!"

She quicjly finisned dressing and answered me,"Alice! Oh, god I was changing!"

"Yeah, yeah," I pushed in to the closet and turned locking the door. "I need you to do something for me and you can't tell anyone. Like when I left you notes two years ago," she nodded. "I need you to come up with a place faraway and com up with clues. Okay let me start over! I need these notes to lead Jasper away from here so je won't get killed. And I can't know where-"

"Because then Aro would know," Bella whispered. "So is there no hope then?" She asked me.

I shook my head."There's hope but every decision they make ends with Jasoers death. They are going to take him to get me to join and they kill him if I don't join amd if I do and they do that each vision. I need him away so Aro can't hurt him. Write clues on slips of paper hinting at where I am going and put them in white envelopes in order, write the 'checkpoint' on the outside of the envelope okay? And if needs airfare make sure you have that already in the envelope, okay? And in the last envelope add this," I handed her the note I had hand written for Jasper last night.

Bella began reading it out loud and more pieces of my heart broke off in to shards. "Dear Jasper, Words can not express how much I love you. You are my purpose for living, my everything. Jazz you are my most precious of precious things. I can't stand the thought of living without you that's why I had to do this. I am so sorry. Wait until you hear word that the Volturi has been defeated or...otherwise before returning home. I had to do this Jasper because I had to save you. All my visions led to one thing, one thing that would cause me to join the Volturi. Aro was using you as a pawn to get me but he would kill you no matter what I did so I had to get you away so he could not use you. Every touch, every spark, every kiss, every night I am grateful for and I hold those memories close now. I'm sorry and yes, I am insane. I love you so much. Always have, always will. Love, your Freaky Little Monster." I would have been soaked with tears if I was able to cry and Bella looked choked up as well because I knew she was thinking of Edward being the Jasper. She looked at me and nodded. "I am so sorry Alice, I'll do it and have it-"she looked arouns." I'll put it on the porch when Edward is not looking sometime in the morning."

"Thank you," I nodded my head and she hugged me so tight. "I should go, I want to spend all the time i have left with Jasper, bye." I walked slowly back to the house and Jasper was waiting for me at the door. He opened the door and shook my shoulders.

"Alice what's going on? What's wrong?" He was desperate to know something. I didn't say anything I just wrapped my arms around him and collapsed against him. Jazz knelt to the ground and held me there. "Alice?" I just embraced him and wished that it woukd never end.

Esme walked in and she knelt by Jasper. "Carlisle and the newborns are out training he wanted your help to train them unexpected kills but if you're busy with- Alice dear?"

I leaned back onto my bottom and covered my face with my hands. "Go, you should go help him while you still can," I dry sobbed and Jasper and Esme shot each other looks.

"I don't know what's wrong with her? She has been acting like this and I can't seem to get her out of this depression she's in," Jazz told Esme. "She's right I shoukd go help but I don't think I can bear to leave her like this."

"I'm fine GO!" I sobbed and Esme nodded.

"I'll take care of her Jasper," Esme assured him. He nodded and whispered, "I love you Freaky Little Monster...forever." before darting out the back door to help Carlisle.

When Jasper was gone I screamed at myself for acting a fool. I can't let him see my like this. I took a few minutes to collect myself and then went to find Tanya. She was over at the Newbie house as we called the newborns' house. "Tanya?" I called out.

"ALICE!" It wasn't Tanya it was Laura. "Alice!"She hugged me to her chest.

"Shouldn't you be off training?" I asked her

"No, I don't need training," she smiled. "Because watch this." Laura stared at tree outside and the next thing I knew it was on the ground, fallen over. "I can manipulate things, including vampires, using my mind. Isn't that awesome?! Oh and Tanya is upstairs watching them train."

"Thanks Laura," I thanked her and went upstairs.

"Alice, I found him," Tanya said as I walked in the room. "Jedidiah, he is my soulmate. I can just tell the way I look at him, he looks at me...too bad we are about to be slaughtered."

"Please don't say that,"I whispered, my voice hoarse. "I am trying to think positive so I can pretend that Jasper and I have a future."

She smiled apologetically at me. "Its a blessing and a curse being single during this, its a blessing because I inly have to worry abkut my self and famjly there is no I die if you die couunterpart, but it's a curse because of that. I am alone. If i die i die alone no one sacrofices themselves for me and if I live I am still alone. No one to celebrate with. I have my sisters but you know, its different when you have a mate and a family."

"I do know," I mumbled. "The love is so powerful you would sacrifice yourself for their safety even if you know they would rather be dead then live without you because the thougjt of them dead is too terrible."

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