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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

AS YOU WOKE UP by the sound of your mom cooking, you groan and opened your eyes open. You grabbed your phone and checked the time. '7:02' you sighed in relief. You lazily threw your blankets off you, and walked to the bathroom for you to get clean. You saw your mom cooking and then headed to the bathroom. After you were done with getting ready you walked to the kitchen. "Food ready" your mom called out, "ow mom you don't have to yell I'm right here" you hissed. "Oops sorry" she apologizes with a chuckle at the end. You grabbed some food and begin eating. Once you were all done you walked back to bedroom and got into your uniform. 

You walked back to the living room. "Bye mom" you called out. "See you later honey" she yells back and that was your cue to go out. You opened the door and you bumped heads with a person. "Ow" you stated and rubbed your head. "Y/n why couldn't you be careful?" you hear Masashi. 

"Oops sorry" you giggled and made your way ahead of him. He follows behind you. "So how was your night?" you ask making small conversation. He shrugged "okay" he says and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lit up and put it on his mouth. "Again?" you ask annoyed. This has happened before and again. You were having enough of that. "What? I'm sorry I couldn't do it at home" he says and exhales the smoke. "Ugh Masashi!" you yelled out annoyed. "I'm leaving" you told him annoyed and walked another way. "Hey wait up now don't leave" he calls out for you but he was already late. You were out of his sight. 

As you were walking you had no idea where you were. You looked around and you saw someone you didn't expect. "Oreki!" you called out and he turned around to see you. He was also surprised considered he never ran into someone here. You finally reached him closer, "what are you doing here" he mumbled and looked around avoiding your gaze again. "I was walking with Masashi but he started to smo-" you stopped your sentence since you just exposed him. You looked down at the ground. Feeling bad since you just told his secret. "It's okay, I already knew" Oreki assures you. You sighed in relief, "oh...okay well your heading to school right?" you ask looking up at him. He nods, "well can we walk together?" you ask. "Er-sure" he replies and starts walking, not even giving you a warning. 

You huff and then walk behind him. Walking with him was quite awkward and silence. Just your tapping and people chatting breaking the silence. 

 And cars passing by making a 'whoosh' sound.

When they finally got to school they were about to enter inside the school when they heard their names being called out "Oreki! Y/n" they heard Chitand, Mayaka, Satoshi's voices. They stopped and looked around until they finally spotted them hiding in the corner behind a wall.

The two made their way towards them. "What took you guys so long?" Mayaka exclaimed, "It's not our fault there were people making traffic and someone couldn't keep up" Oreki hissed in annoyance. You playfully roll your ways, "oh please" you scrowled and folded your hands in your chest. "Well anyways y/l/n-chan someone came to us and told us to tell you to meet them at the library once you got here" she told you, Satoshi and Chitanda nodding as she explained. "Would you like to tell me who this 'someone' is?" you ask them with a curious tone. "Well..you see they told us not to tell you" she explains. You nodded and then looked at Oreki. He was staring at you the whole time seeing your reaction. "Well I guess I better go" you told them in a 'disappointed' tone. You started to make your way in when someone pulled your wrist.

"Wait, you don't even know the way there" you hear Oreki's voice and he sounded annoyed. "You're right!" you exclaimed with a smile, but soon turned into a frown. "I guess I can just tell a teacher then" you told him in a 'dumbfounded' tone and shrugged your shoulders, making him let go of his hold. You begin walking again but Oreki walks in front of you, "what?" you ask, but he didn't say anything and you found it that now was your time. "You don't want me to go by myself..do you?" you ask him with a mocking tone. "Come on let's just go" he hissed and grabbed your arm and pulled you inside the school.

Once you guys were inside he let go of you. You huff in annoyance.

Since when did she get so mocking? Oreki thought as he walked. People don't know thi but you always loved teasing people and making them flustered. You always do it with Masashi, he doesn't mind it since you do every now and then. You always wait until you have a good opportunity.

Oreki opened the library door and you walked in first and you saw Masashi on a desk reading a manga. You walk towards him, and you pat his head. "You wanted to see me ?" you ask, you already knew it was gonna be him since he is the only person you truly know in this school besides the classic lit club. He nods and puts his manga down and stands up. "Privately" he whispered enough for you to hear him. Oreki was currently in the back of you. He walks away and you turn around to face Oreki, "I'm gonna go now, thanks for coming along" you told him with a grin on your face. "Yeah whatever" he mumbled and you walk away.

Once you and Masashi we're outside the school behind a tree he pulled out his phone. 7: 52, he let out a sigh and put it back in his pocket. "So what did you wanna talk about?" you ask him. ""I wanted to say sorry cause I ignored you by not listening to you...on not smoking" he apologized and you let out a chuckle. "Masashi it's okay! We're still good. I was just not in the mood" you told him with a smile.

"So we're good?" he asks, to which you nodded back 'yes.' He was glad you and him were now on 'speaking' terms. He hugs you by surprise but you hugged back. Your hands around his torso. His warmth was nice, you always loved it. He was like a brother to you..but still you had a crush on him. After a while he pulled away slowly, your faces inches away from each other. Your breathing is heavy now. He looked down at your lips and back to your e/c orbs.

"Kiss me" he blurted out and made your face blush insanely.


"I know you like me y/n" he whispered and was still holding you. He crashed his lips onto yours. Taking you by surprise but you slowly melted into the kiss. You were shocked your child-hood best friend was kissing you! You never thought this day would come, you liked him ever since you were 13. You wanted to tell him but you were scared it would ruin your friendship with him. But you never knew he liked you the same you did...but does he really?

The bell ringed making you both jump and pull away. You panting as you catched your breath. The kiss was rough and intense but still lovely. "Gosh Masashi!" you exclaimed and playfully pushed him away. You're face a shade of pink. "Oh come on tell me you didn't like that!" he says with a smirk. You groaned and walked away to go to class. As you walked down the halls you kept replaying the scenario. "I can't believe he did that!" you mumble to yourself. "After all those years..."

He kissed me!

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