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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

IT HAD BEEN A HOUR SINCE YOU guys had gone to the library. Finally you guys found a book, which was (interest book name). There was something missing on that book or something nobody talked about. You guys were now walking out the library. Everyone was silence. Even Chitanda. But you were getting irritated, so you stopped walking and faced them. 

"Oh come on guys what's wrong?!" you exclaimed. Chitanda and Oreki both looked at each other before looking back at you, "I'm sorry but my mom wants to be home before sunset. Family stuff" she explained. You nodded, understanding the situation. 

"Okay. What about you Oreki?" you looked at him. "What's up with you," you asked again. "Nothing. Just thinking" he replied and started walking. "Okay then...So Chi are you gonna go by yourself?" you asked. "Yeah! I have my bike so I'll be okay" she got on her bike. "Well I'll see you tomorrow?" you said, and she nodded. 

"Yes of course. See you later" she waved bye before riding away. You walked behind Oreki. "What was that? No goodbye kiss?" you teased him. But he stopped walking, making you stop beside him. "What?" you asked, looking at him. 

"You know I'm not that romantic, right?" he told you and started walking again. "If you say so" you replied, with a small smug on your face. "So are you coming over at my house?" you asked him. "If that's alright?" he asks.

"Look here's the thing. You're dating someone, I'm dating someone. And I actually like Masashi, I don't want to cheat on him. So I don't think I want to have sex with you...at lease not now..." you explained to him. "Mm-Hmm I get it and I think it'll be better to wait. Until I break up with Chitanda" he told you. You nodded. 

After that being said a huge weight of what felt like the world on you was gone. You seriously did want to have sex with Oreki, but not right now. You don't want to cheat on Masashi. Even though you guys were faking it, you still didn't felt right about having sex with Oreki. 

"So that means no hang out at my house?" you asked.

"Nope, no hang out"

"Whew that was close" you let out a sigh. "What did you not want to have sex with me?" he looked at you. "Wh-what n-no thats not it" you stammered on your words. 

He hummed in response. "It's just that...I never thought you'd be like...that horny" you looked ar him and he couldn't help but to chuckle. Soon turned into a laugh. "Wait-Oreki...you're laughing! Smiling!" you cheered with a smile on your face. His laughed drowned down, "yeah. You didn't know a human being could laugh?" he teased you. 

"No that's not it" you pinched the bridge of your nose. 

"Then what is?"

You stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "I never heard you laugh...I like it" you nervously told him, looking at the ground. Well he looked at you. "Oh yeah? Well I like to see you smile" he pat your head. You looked at him, confused but he didn't see you since he was seeing the road ahead. You felt your cheeks warm and you looked away. 


Something inside just felt a astrange feeling dawning over you. It felt warm and it made your heart pound even faster. When you saw Oreki face, it made you go all weird. But in a good way. You liked it.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

authors note

so i will do a smut chapter but not now!

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