2. To late for Apologies

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Mention of murder
Mentions of bruises and cuts

Y/n's POV
We walk into one of the many clothing store, and mom starts to grab clothes, looking at the size and prices, and put them into a bag, not even asking me if I liked them.

I walked around a bit, seeing a rainbow printed onto a shirt that was conveniently in my size.

"Heh, gay shirt" I laughed to myself, which seemed to be just in earshot of mom, oops.

"The fuck did you just say girl? I don't want to hear you using a word like that in my presence again, you're so fucking lucky we're in the middle of the mall or I'd whoop you ass." She whips her head around to face me, scolding me for my statement.

She turns back around to continue looking at clothes, still not asking my opinions, but at this point I should I least be kinda grateful, she is buying me new clothes I guess.

I turn around too, turning back to the 'gay shirt' and snickered to myself.

"Oh what are you laughing at now, what's so funny huh? Is me yelling at you funny?!" I turn my head back around to see she is now fully facing me, she turned her whole body around to face me. She glanced behind me seeing the rainbow shirt.

"Are you one of those disgusting queers huh? My god girl you better not be.." she snarls, taking a step forward.

"So what if I am, hm?" I took a step back so she wasn't directly up in my face. I, in fact, am bisexual.

"It's wrong y/n, don't you even begin to talk to me in such tone, don't think I won't punish this behaviour" she took another step forward.

"But mom, it's not wrong, it's normal to just love who you love, why can't you see that!?" I yell back at her.

She always made homophobic remarks, it's always pissed me off so much, and I'm so sick of it.

She sighs, "I guess you going through this as well, It's a faze y/n! You will grow out of it!" She shouts at me, not even caring that we're in the middle of the store anymore.

She turns back around to continue looking for clothes. "Why don't you understand!" I snapped. "Why do you never understand me!" My voice filling with anger, I am so fucking done with her.

" Young Lady do not Speak to me with such tone!?" Mom screams. " I am purely sick of your attitude now! Sick of it! You need to quit the attitude, quit this queer bullshit, and quit being useless fucking brat, my goodness, when we get home you are getting the beating of your life." She threatens.

'Fuckk no no no!!' I screamed inside my head.

My anxiety began to skyrocket, yet I tried to stay the calmest I could and keep fighting, because I am not going to sit her and let her trample me anymore, plus we're in the middle of the mall, what's she's gonna do? Kill me? Highly unlikely.

"No amount of beatings can change me being 'queer' mom, there's nothing you can do, I'm bi, I like boys and girls, and there is nothing you can do about it." I said sternly, I'm kinda proud of myself for my confidence.

"You ignorant little bitch!" Her voice laced with pure rage. "Do you wanna try my with the beatings!? Let's see how you end up after tonight!" She back me up against the wall of the clothing store, and leans in to whisper in my ear. "I'd love to see you covered in bruises, you're no match more me y/n, I will always be more powerful then you will ever think to be"

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