37. Sleepy.

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Nothing, read ahead babes :)
(Apart from platonic shit- which isn't a tw but it's here anyways 😃)
Tho I am sorry if I missed anything

Y/n's pov:
It's been another hour since Mia fell asleep, they had to leave now.

"I don't really wanna wake Mia up though, it seems like she really needed this sleep.." George states.

"Yeah.. you could leave her here for a bit? Like if you want, someone else can stay and three if you go home, or, she can just here with me..?" I suggest, wanting Mia to stay.

I could see George was thinking, the other three had walked out the door and were now waiting for him.

"George..?" Ranboo calls out seconds later, noticing George wasn't with them.

"Uhm, I'll be there in a minute" George says, clearly thinking out the decision.

"I'll see if anyone wants to stay, if nobody does, then oh well, suck it up I guess, you guys will be alone" George laughs exiting the room to where the other three.

I can here him asking the three, then a few seconds later, Tommy and ranboo walk back into the room and sit back down, smiling.

"You're stuck with us for even longer y/n, how do you feel about that?" Tommy asks.

"Well, I don't mind, because now I have people to talk to again!" I smile at the two.

They both smile back.

"Wait, Tommy and ranboo sitting on the same chair and not fighting? Damn the more you know" I comment, knowing this would start some bickering.

"I'm only sitting here Becuase I'm cold, and ranboo is hot"

He pauses for a second.

"WAIT NO NO! NOT hot, ranboo is warm, the fucking hospitals, and, fucking bullshit air conditioning.." Tommy says, realising what he had said, mumbling towards the end, embarrassed.

"PFFT- WHAT!" Ranboo bursts into laughter

"Ranboo shut up you're gonna wake Mia up!" I whisper yelled, trying to keep in to keep laughter in myself.

"Sorry sorry-" he apologised, only to be cut off by his own muffles chuckle.

"Oh fuck off man, I didn't mean to say that specifically" Tommy says, burying his face in his hands.

"If you're cold you can use my hoodie if you want, I, myself thought is was kinda warm in here" ranboo suggested, standing up and untying the hoodie sleeves from around his waist.

"Nah it's fine king"

"No, you said you were cold, then proceeded to complement me, but we don't talk about that, you're cold dude just take it" ranboo chuckles, his hand reached out with the hoodie in it.

I defeat, Tommy takes ranboo's hoodie and puts it on, pulling the sleeves up a bit as they were slightly to long for his arms.

"Thanks.." Tommy mumbled.

"No problem" ranboo smiles, taking a seat next to him once again.

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