23. Please.. not Chris..

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TW warnings
Mentions of r@pe (I'll put a warning where it starts and finishes)
(Sorry if I miss anything!)

Y/n's POV:
When Mia cuddled up to me, I felt a wave of blush creep over my face. The fact she came to me because she was scared warmed my heart.

I pull the covers over her taller body.

~Timeskip to morning ~

I squint my eyes adjusting to the light coming from the window. I look over to Lani's bed, which was empty and already made, so I'm guess she was already awake. I look back at Mia, who was breathing a bit heavy, but still asleep. I run my fingers through her hair, which she wouldn't let me do yesterday or the day before, I had never seen her so soft, she's usually aggressive, energetic, even on call, so seeing her so calm and gentle earned a smile on my face.

Trying not to wake the sleeping girl who was still clinging to me, I reach over to the nightstand beside my bed, and take my phone off charge.

I didn't realise how late we had slept in, as it was now 10:31am, which I know was still kinda early, but I knew everyone else was up, yet I open camera, and snap a picture, getting a clear view of the both of us. I place my phone on the table, and gently shake Mia awake.

"Mmm...nooooo.... Ten more minutes pleaseeee" she groaned, stretching out her words.

I giggle at her laziness and kept shaking her.

"Get off me you lazy fucker"

"No I'm comfortable, fuck you" she said, starting to wake up.

"Come on miaaaaaa, it's literally 10:31! get uppp!"

I got no reply, instead she just pulled herself closer to me. Why is she so damn stubborn.

"What about Jackie?" She shoots her head up as soon as the words come out of my mouth.

"Is she okay? Where is she?!" I giggle at her protectiveness.

"I don't know, go see her."

She gets up immediately and starts to walk out of the room, while I get up and make the bed.

Mia's POV:
I went to the room i was meant to be in, but I didn't see Jackie. I was confused, where else would she be? Downstairs? I guess, if she isn't down there I'll just ask the others if they've seen her.

I walk out of my temporary room, and walk down the stairs to the living room, to see Lani, Drista and Jackie, all just talking to each other, Jackie seemed quite happy talking to the both, but I was just relieved I now knew where she was.

"Oh good morning sleepyhead" Drista says with a smile, looking over in my direction.

Jackie looks over to where I was standing. "Sissy!" She literally runs and jumps on me. God damn this child.

"Hello to you too tiny child" I say patting her head.

"Where were you, you weren't in bed this morning?" She asked me, taking a step back and looks up at me.

"I.. um.." I didn't know how to respond. What? I had a nightmare, got scared, and went into my best friends room to sleep with her? Yeah nah, I'm not saying that.

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