5. Suprise Adoption

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Mention of blood / knifes

Y/n's POV:
Standing up off of the germ filled floor of the mall, I watch as the police escort mom out of the mall, from there I guess they just put her in  the police car and drive off. A few tears falls from my eyes as I begin the tear up, watching my last family member I knew leave me behind with a bunch of people i barely know. As much of a bitch she might've been, I don't have anyone except my best friend left now, I mean she had always hated my moms guts, so at least she'll be sorta happy about the situation.

I feel a warm hand touch my face wiping the tears that began to fall. "Hey it's okay, I know you don't know us, and I this is all so sudden, but I promise you will have a great time with us!" I heard someone say, I didn't know who said it, but nodded my head in a agreement. I let out a yawn, it had been a long day, we wen from clothes, to being gay, to knifes, blood, police, jail and adoption, all happened within the last hour. I leant up against the person with the shorter dude with a grey hoodie, basically almost asleep.

"Aw, guys look.." i heard them say to the others. I had my eyes closed, but i could tell that the others were looking at me by all the gasps and aw's. "Maybe we should head home, it's been quite a day" i heard a voice say. "Agreed"  everyone replies.

The boy i was leaning up against nudges me slightly, waking me up from my half-asleep-ness. "Hey.. we are going to head to the bus now okay?" I heard them speak to me in such a gentle voice. "Mm... okayy" i mumble, dragging out the 'y'. Drowsily, i start to walk through the mall, out of the exit, and into a large bus. Now I'm not saying just a regular bus, like one you'd use as public transport, I'm talking like huge, multicoloured bus with many cool designs on its side, that the group definitely owned. My droopy eyes widened in amazement. "Wow" i said under your breathe.

'Okay so they rich rich huh?'

I hear someone it unlock, and everyone climbs inside one by one. I sit in between to two younger people, the ones with they grey hoodie and a white and red T-shirt. I didn't talk to much, seeing how tired i was. I did end up leaning against the one with the white and red T-shirt and falling fast asleep.

Tommy's POV:
I was scrolling mindless through the bird app on my phone whilst on the bus began motion, when I feel a slight weight on my left shoulder, I look down to see the young girl had fallen asleep.

"Tubbo.. Tubbo!" I try to catch my friends attention on the opposite side of her, while also trying my best not the wake her.

"Yes Tommy" he replies, he says, looking up from his phone.

"Two questions Tubbo, one, do you think she is American, two she fell asleep on my shoulder what the fuck do I do?!" I asked in a bit of a panic. Tubbo just giggles, honestly at this point I think he likes to watch me suffer.

"Tubbo !" I whisper yell at him.

"Okay okay jeez Tommy chill, gently move her not my shoulder if you don't want her on yours, I literally don't mind, also how am I meant to know if she is American Tommy" Tubbo giggles once again, carefully moving the young girl onto his shoulder. "Shit, thanks man" I thank him. "It's okay Tom" Tubbo said with a smile, closing his eyes as well.

Third person POV:
It wasn't a long way back to the house, around 20 minutes to around a half hour drive.

Finally, pulling into the driveway in front of a fancy house, and everyone started to get out of the bus. Y/n was still asleep by the time they got home, not wanting to wake her, Tubbo pulled Dream aside and asked if he could carry her inside. Dream happily agreed and carefully picked y/n up with easy and took her inside.

It quite a large house, they had to fit many people in there so it did make sense. It was so fancy, well decorated, not extremely messy, had multiple floors, and even plants around to make the place look more lively, it was like an mansion.

Dream walked you up to Niki's room and laid y/n on her bed, Niki had already said it was alright to do so, and put a lush blanket over her small body. It was quite cold that day, so he wanted to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable by the coldness. ( which is  why most of them were wearing sweaters)


857 words
Date started: 1/04/21
Date finished: 2/04/21
Date published: 2/04/21
Edited/updated: 08/06/21
Better update: 15/12/22

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