8. The New Roommate

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I'm not sure about any TW's for this chapter, but really sorry if I miss anything!

I felt Lani's arms wrap around me, something about this made me feel safe, I'm not sure why though. I didn't care. I leaned into the hug, letting Lani know I felt safe in her arms. We stayed like this for a few seconds until we heard a knock at the door.
(Again! This isn' a ship!)

Lani's POV:
We heard a knock at the door. I felt Y/N flinch slightly at the noise. "I'm sure it's just Niki Y/N.. it's ok." I reassured her. Another knock caught my attention. "Come in," I say, hearing the door open, and I was right, it was Niki, she also had bandages in her hand.

I nudge Y/N, asking her as nicely as I could to move over for a second as Niki sat on the floor in front of us ready to help put the bandage on Y/N's wounded face. "This may hurt a little bit, ok?" Niki says to Y/N in her calming voice. Reassuring her things we're gonna be ok, I let her squeeze my hand if things started to hurt.

Niki's POV:
I tried my hardest not to hurt y/n more then the rubbing alcohol was already going to. The first thing I had to do was clean the wound, which I knew for a fact that it was going to hurt, as I had once had a bad accident on my skateboard a few years ago, which we won't get to into.

I used soft cotton-buds with rubbing alcohol and as gently as I could, wiping her wound.

She screwed her face up slightly, crystal-like tears rolling down her face, yet didn't pull away from me. I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was squeezing Lani's hand tightly, yet not to tight, but pointing out that she was in pain, yet without words or noises.

Eventually I was done with the cleaning part, and put a fresh new bandage onto the quite deep cut. It was done.

"I'm really sorry if that hurt a lot" I apologised sincerely.

"I-it's okay Niki, I-I know you were j-just helping" I hear her say voice say in a small between breathes and a few tears.

Y/N's POV:
Hold shit. I knew it was going to hurt, but fuck that was painful then I was expecting my lordddd.

During the cleaning process, I knew I had to stay as still as I could to let Niki clean it properly, if she couldn't clean it, then it would likely get worse, so even though it was very painful, I tried my best to stay still throughout the process, squeezing Lani's hand if the pain got to bad.

I then realised how much Lani had helped me through that process. Even though I haven't seen what her night terrors were like, an idea popped in my head. I could honestly stay here, it was pretty calm in her room, she had two sets of led lights, one near her bed, on one near the spare bed. Her closet was quite large as well, all her clothes fit in basically half the closet. There were small decorations hang off the walls like posters, and a gaming PC.

"H-hey Lani... I have a question.." I asked her.

"Yeah of course! You can ask me anything!" She replied happily.

"I know you have barely met me, and I don't know what what you night t-errors are like, but, I-I don't really have my own room here I don't think, and seeing as you had another bed, maybe, uhh, we could be roommates...?" I asked politely.

I was expecting her to say some form of  'no', but that's not what I got.

"Omg that would be great! that's such a great idea!" She said excitedly with a large smile on her face, so did Niki.

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