38. Phone calls

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I'm so sorry! I promise I didn't forgot I've been really busy, I've barely caught a break, but things are underway, and more posts with be soon!

Nothing but hospitals <3
(Sorry if I miss anything tho!)

Dreams' pov:
It's been 2 hours, and I've gotten a response from aimsey, and corpse, saying they'd be cool with being added to the Dream smp, the others I'm still waiting for. I've also asked aimsey and corpse about the whole 'living together in a mansion' topic, and they both decided to sleep on the idea.

Y/n's Pov:

I received a message from George saying he was coming to pick a up the three soon, so meaning the drive there, finding parking, and finding his way back to us, it would probably be an hour, to an hour and a half.

Though, ten minutes after George's text, Mia began to stir, they has been asleep for around 3 and a half hours now, so now would be a decent time to wake up I suppose.

"Mmm..." they mumbled, shuffling to one side, to the other, trying it get comfortable.

Realising they couldn't get back to sleep, Mia sits up towards the end on my hospital bed, rubbing her eyes with her hands drowsily.

They looks up at me and smile, then looking around the room, spotting the two boys, still asleep on one another on the seat, their eyes growing wide in shock, looking at me to make sure I say was she was seeing.

Like I was a mind reading, I smile back, nodding my head.

"wait is th-"

"Yes, Tommy is wearing ranboo's hoodie, yes they are sleeping on each other, in a friendship way of course, now hush" I laugh, cutting Mia off mid sentence, explaining everything I knew she was asking inside her head.

"You bitch, how did know what I was gonna say " they say surprised.

"the same things I was asking myself when I first saw it." I chuckled lightly.

"Oh, by the way, George should be here in around an hour, maybe hour and a half, to pick you, Tom, and ranboo up to take up you guys home."

"Oh.. really..?"

"Yeah, but it's ok! We can call now, I have my phone!" I say happily, in hopes to rise her mood.

"True, we can play Snapchat games again! I can beat ur ass at them again!" Mia giggle.

"Yeah and we co-"

"Guys.." Tommy buts into our conversation.

We look over to see his face flushed red from embarrassment.

"A little help getting him off me please..." he asked politely, something we don't hear to often.

Mia giggles then hops of my bed to help.

"Ok but like, how do I help what do you want me to do..?" They ask confused.

"I don't fucking know.." I hear Tommy mutter, not shifting until the taller woke up.

"Y'know what you do it yourself, I have no idea what you want from me" Mia laughs quietly, taking a seat back at the end of my bed again, while Tommy let's out a sigh.

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