Chapter 1 ~ mistake ~

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You run as fast as you can with your backpack trying to escape. You just can't handle this anymore, you run and run as far as possible not really taking notice of anyone around you.

"I-I'm just going to disappear, no one will notice."

You think to yourself, as the tears stream down your cheeks.

You didn't realise there was anyone in front of you and you came crashing into them, before falling to the ground.

"Oh my gosh are you okay I'm so sorry I was looking at my phone."

You hear a strangers voice say as he bends down in front of you.

"Oh no you are bleeding...does it hurt."

He says looking at your freshly cut knee.

"No I'm okay."

You quietly reply before trying to stand up. Just as you stand up your legs collapse again making you fall once again on the ground.

"No, you clearly aren't okay, wait here I'll pop over to the shop right there."

He says helping you to stand up and sit on a near by bench.

"No I really am okay, don't worry about it."

You shout.

But he is practically already in the shop.

After less than five minutes he comes running out with a box of plasters and some wipes.

"Okay this is going to sting a little bit."

He warns before wiping your cut.

He was right it did hurt but you are quite good at hiding your emotions so you didn't make a sound.

He gently blows on your cut before placing a plaster on it perfectly.

"Okay all done. I'm sorry for making you cry."

He quietly apologises sitting next to you.

"Oh no I wasn't crying because I fell I was crying before that."

You reply, not looking at him.

"Oh well then I'm sorry for making you feel even worse you were already upset and I accidentally hurt you. I'm sorry."

He pouts.

"Honestly you somehow made me feel better. You stopped me from making a bad mistake."

You weakly smile at him.

"Aww well then I'm glad. Are you okay now?"

He asks you.

"I don't know."

You whisper.

"Do you want to talk about it, I have time to listen."

He smiles at you softly.

"I'm just so lost right now and I don't know what to do."

You begin to cry...again.

"Awww it will be okay don't worry. I know it's hard right now but it will get better soon. I promise."

He rubs your back gently.

"Thank you for saying that."

You whisper, still crying.

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