Chapter 8 ~ Kissing prank ~

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Chan says seeing you get anxious.

You start shaking and can't really hear anybody around you.

*Chan's POV*

I pick y/n up and carry her out the living room and place her on my bed.

I sit her down and hug her tightly.

"Y/n baby It's me Chan."

I quietly say.

"C-chan t-they a-are hurting m-e."

She cries hiding her face in her knees.

"Baby don't worry no one is hurting you. It's okay you are safe. It's only me. No one is here to hurt you."

I comfort, before hugging her and caressing her back.

"Baby look at me."

I whisper.

I hold her face in my hands and turn her head to face me. I look her deep in the eye and smile.

"See baby it's only me."

She stares at me in order to help herself calm down.

"Sweetie we are going to take a deep breath okay."

I mention.


I countdown before taking a deep breath along with y/n.

She calms down after a while and I wipe her tears away gently before hugging her again.

"T-the movie it reminded me of-"

She struggles to explain.

"I know baby. I'm sorry I should've checked beforehand. Do you wanna stay in here for a bit?"

I suggest.

She nods her head before cuddling up to me. I offer her to come sit on my lap and she immediately accepts my offer. She climbs on me hiding her small face in my neck before pecking it softly.

I wrap my arms around her waist gently caressing it making her drift off to sleep.

"Awww she's so cute."

"Hyung can we come in?"

Felix whispers opening the door slightly.

"Yeah, just be quiet."

I reply.

All the boys creep in the room and sit around me and y/n.

"Is she sleeping?"

Minho asks.

I nod my head in reply before looking down at the fast asleep
y/n in my arms.

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