Chapter 12 ~ Date ~

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I then creep into the living room and the sight I see broke my heart.

She was curled up in a ball in my clothes holding her belly, obviously with cramps.

I run up to her and pick her up hugging her in my arms.

"Awww baby you shouldn't of waited up for me."

I whisper.

"I m-missed you."

She mumbles into my neck hugging me back.

"I missed you too baby, are your cramps hurting? Let's go get some painkillers."

I calmly Suggests carrying her into the kitchen and giving her some painkillers.

I take her to our room and tuck her in bed while I get changed into pjs.

I then snuggle up to her tired body and kiss her softly until she falls asleep.

*A week later*

*Y/N's POV*

You have spent the past week in bed because of your period. Chan stayed with you and cuddled you the whole time. Thankfully though you have finished your period now and you are feeling a lot better. Chan said he wanted to take you to the movies today because he was complaining how you guys have never been on a proper date.

You got dressed in nothing too special but you still put in some effort.

You got dressed in nothing too special but you still put in some effort

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You walk out your room to chan who is being dramatic as hell.

It's like he has just seen a angel for something.


He shouts before bowing down to you.

You laugh it off and then chan grabs your hand and you both walk out the door to go and watch a movie.

You had no idea what movie chan has picked but you trusted that he wouldn't of picked a scary one.

You enter the movie theatre and chan buys the biggest box of popcorn ever. It was meant for a family of five but he still decided to get it anyway.

You and chan walk into the screening room and pick the best place to sit.

The movie wasn't busy there was only you guys and about 15 other people.

Chan starts eating the popcorn before the movie even starts.

He picked a comedy movie that made you both cry with laughter. There was one part though where you saw this couple making out and the guy had no shirt on.

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