Chapter 7 ~ I'm so proud of you ~

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"Chan I'm nervous."

You whisper.

"Baby it will be okay don't worry I will stay with you the whole time."

He reassures you.

Chan goes and opens the door and all the boys piles in, Some louder than others.

You wait in the kitchen while chan greet the boys.

But one guy comes sprinting in the kitchen.


He giggles when he sees you.


You laugh back.

He walks up to you and pulls you into a hug, the hug was very tight but it didn't hurt too much.

"I'm Han."

He introduces himself while hugging you.

"I'm y/n."

You respond.

He breaks the hug and just then the others walk in.

"Hehehehe I hugged her."

Han giggles.

"I want to hug her too."

Another boy speaks up, making you giggle.

He walks over and hugs you...

"I'm Jeongin."

He giggles cutely.

"Nice to meet you jeongin im y/n."

You reply.

You go round hugging all the members learning all their names in the process.

You all grab some snacks before moving to the living room.

You sat in between Felix and chan.

You cuddle up to chan and Felix cuddles up to you.

You all begin to chat and get to know one another better.

Chan gently caresses your arm to help with the nerves. Although you get along great with the boys and you trust them it still doesn't make your anxiety disappear. Just being around a lot of people in general can be quite difficult for you but chan helped a lot.

Whenever one of the boys spoke a bit loud or there was a few people talking at once he hugged you tighter and spoke to you softly to calm you down.

"So are you guys like dating?"

Seungmin asks.

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