Chapter 3 ~Huggg ~

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"Y/n if you don't mind me asking...why did you run away from your home?"

Your heart stopped. You had no clue what to tell him or how to tell him. It's something you have never talked about with anyone. It's been your secret for so long.


You look down at your hands.

"Y/n it's okay I won't tell anyone it can be our secret. I'm a good listener you know. I'll be here for your when you are ready to talk about it."

Chan reassures you holding your face in his hands, turning your head to face him.

You nod your head before taking a deep breath.

"It's a long story."

"Well I've got all day sweetie."

He smiles before letting go of your cheeks.

He could senses you getting anxious and he held your hand softly with his, caressing it with his thumb.

You look up and him and he gives you a reassuring smile.

"When I was a new born baby I got put up for adoption. The couple that adopted me were alcoholics and dealt with drugs. They didn't t-treat me w-well. They hurt me e-everyday. It was like entertainment f-for them. I never went to s-school, I was left to be tutored by my s-step brother who a-also
h-hit me. That's why I wanted to d-disappear, the day I met you chan I w-was going to kill myself. No one would
c-cares anyway. There is no point being a-alive, no one want me a-around."

You cry your eyes out, after you tell him though you feel as if a weight has just been lifted off your shoulders.

"I-I want you y/n."

Chan whispers as a couple tears fall from his eyes.

"Your just s-saying that."

You continue to cry.

Chan pulls your onto his lap hugging you.

"Y/n I mean it. I really really want you."

He calmly says resting his chin on your shoulder.

"B-but why?"

You mumble into his neck.

"Because you make me smile and laugh and You are so so so beautiful. I don't know exactly why y/n, the day I met you I wanted to protect you I don't know why but something made me want to keep you safe. I am so sorry for everything you went through and if I could've stopped it I would, I would of tried everything in my power to stop them hurting you. But thank you for telling me sweetie. It makes my heart feel warm knowing you trust me enough to tell me this. You are so strong y/n. Although you may not think it you really are the strongest person I know. I am so so so proud of you for enduring all those things. You are so incredible y/n."

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