Chapter 5 ~ wounds ~

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"Y/n, y/n no."

I begin to cry before running over to her.

"Sweetie give me the knife."

I say bent down in front of her.

She shakes her head from side to side looking at the floor.

"Please sweetie, just give me the knife, we can talk about this okay. I'm here now don't worry."

I continue, taking the knife out her hand and placing it on the kitchen side.

"I'm sorry Chan, I'm so sorry."

She repeats over and over crying her eyes out.

I pull her onto my lap and hug her tightly.

"Sweetie don't be sorry it's okay I'm not mad at you. It must've been hard."

I softly whisper trying to calm her down.

I hug her for a while rubbing her back till she partly calms down.

"Come on sweetie. Why don't we get you cleaned up and then we can talk about this okay."

I suggest causing her to nod her head.

I pick her up and she wraps her arms and legs around me. I carry her into the bathroom and sit her on the bathroom side.

"Wait here I'll be quick I promise."

I says before quickly running out the room and coming back with a first aid kit.

I cup some warm water in my hands from the sink and gently clean her wounds with it. I hear her wince in pain and it makes me really upset. I try and be as gentle as possible but it still doesn't help with the pain.

After rinsing the blood off the wounds I get some wipes to help clean the wounds.

I gentle clean every wound and blow on it carefully.

Next I get some bandages and wrap her wrists with them trying my best to look after her.

After I finish putting on the last bandage I look up at her and smile.

"All done."

"Thank you chan."

She quietly says.

I carry her into my room and lay her on the bed. I lay next to her and wrap my arms around her making sure I didn't hurt her.

"I'm sorry."

She whispers wiping some tears off my cheeks carefully with her thumb.

I smile weakly in response and hold her hand gently caressing it with mine.

"Sweetie you should've called me."

I speak up.

"I-I didn't want to bother you chan. I thought that I could deal with it alone...It's so hard chan."

She begins to cry.

"Y/n you don't have to worry about bothering me, I don't mind if it's you. You don't have to do anything alone
y/n, you have me. I know it's hard sweetie but we can get through it, if not alone we can handle it together."

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