Chapter 16 ~ Dumpling ~

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"-3,2,1 open."

You open your eyes and what you see completely shocks you.

You see Chan stood with the biggest grin on his face holding a puppy.

You see Chan stood with the biggest grin on his face holding a puppy

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"I-is that ours?"

You stutter.

"Yep, this is our little baby."

He almost squeals.

"Can-can I hold him?"

You quietly ask.

"Of course baby, come here."

He excitedly smiles.

He hands you the puppy and you start to cry even more. With Happy tears obviously.

"He's so cute."

You cry.

"Awwww baby."

Chan pouts back hugging you.

You hold the little fluffy puppy again you chest. He kept jumping up and licking your face making you giggle. He was so energetic and cuddly.

"Hey stop kissing her she is mine."

Chan scolds the dog.

"You have to share me now."

You giggle before pecking the dog's forehead.

You put the dog in the floor before hugging chan so tightly, still crying slightly.

"thank you chan thank you so so so so so much. You are the best boyfriend in the world. I'm so happyyy. Thank youuu."

"You're welcome baby. Thank you for being such a big part of my life y/n. I hope you like him. When I went to chose a puppy they were all very shy but then this one jumped at me and started kissing my face. So I decided to get this one because he liked to give people a lot of love. Changbin had to go pick him up because I wanted to keep it a surprise, and then he dropped him off just now."

Chan explains holding your face in his hands.

"I love you so much Channie."

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