Chapter 20 ~ I will never forgive you ~

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After finally getting ready I kiss dumpling before me and Felix walk out the front door and head to the police station.

When we arrive the police officer at the front desk asks if we can go into a room. We do as he asks and there we are greeted by the police officer he spoke to yesterday.

He walks up to me and Felix and pats our backs reassuring us.

We look around and see the other 40 police men.

They are all loading their guns and getting ready in their special vests.

"Okay so remember what I said about this, only use it if you really have to. If you use it for unnecessary reasons you are going to get yourself in a lot of trouble do you understand."

The officer states handing me a gun.

"Yes I understand. I can only use it for self defence or to protect y/n."

I repeat.

He taps my shoulder and gives me a weak smile.

"Channie I'm nervous."

Felix quietly confesses.

"I know lix, me too. But this is for y/n we have to at least try and help her. Don't worry, we have all these people with us. Look at them all, they all have vests on and HUGE guns. They will protect us and y/n okay."

I try and comfort him, pulling him into a hug.

"Damn hyung why did you have to get so attached to

Felix whines, making me laugh slightly at his comment.

After a while the officers started teaching us...
•How to use a gun
• How to use a walkie talkie
• Simple moves used for self defence.
• How to signal for help.
• How to untie huge knots.
• Even how to treat wounds.

They walked me and Felix through everything. It was hard at first and a lot to try and learn in a day.
Even with all the training me and Felix are nervous. I mean how can we not be, we don't know how many people are there, we don't know what weapons they have, we don't know the condition of
y/n. All of it was very nerve racking.

*Y/N's POV*

You struggle in your seat trying to escape, but fail miserably.

You can't help but cry knowing chan is going to come today and knowing he is going to probably get hurt. You didn't want him to get hurt especially not because of you. Just then sunghoon walks in.

"Hello princess."

He smirks, making you want to break his neck, you hate when he calls you princess.

"Your little friend is coming soon, I bet you can't wait. You will get a front row seat to the show."

He laughs.

He gets a bottle of water and holds it above your head as high as possible.


He commands before slowly trickling it over your face.

You struggle to get water making him laugh even more...

"Awww she can't even drink water how on earth does she think she will be able to help her beloved boyfriend."

He mocks.

He hasn't fed you at all. He has only given you a small amount of water and even that you have had to struggle and use your last bit of energy for.

You were weak. It was hard for you to even keep your head up.

The last thing you want is for chan to come. You really really don't want him to get hurt. I mean how can you continue to live with yourself if chan got hurt because of you.

*Chan's POV*

This is it, we are in the car on our way to the address. We have driven for 2 hours already and we are about 10 minutes away.

Felix rests his head on my shoulder holding my hand tightly for comfort. Felix has told the other boys about the situation and seungmin is currently at mine and y/n's house, looking after dumpling for us.

I look at Felix and I can see how scared he is. I hug him tightly reassuring him that it will be okay.

"Channie if you get hurt I will never forgive you."

He threatens.

We stop the car about five minutes away.

"Okay Chan you get out here, remember the plan."

The officer says.

I take a deep breath before kissing Felix's nose.

"I love you hyung."

Felix whispers not wanting to let go of my hand.

"I love you too lix."

I reply before detaching my hand from his and hoping out the car.

I quickly run to the building far in the distance. As I get closer the smell of alcohol and drugs hits me.

I look around trying to become more familiar with the building. I constantly turn around making sure to watch my back.

I cautiously open the door holding my gun to my chest. I walk through the front door and see a long hallway with a bunch of rooms on either side.

I press a small button on my watch like the police officer told me to, before I continue to walk in the house.

The hardest part was trying to figure out where y/n was.

I walk into the first room that was much larger than I was expecting. There was a couple pieces of broken furniture and a bunch of junk everywhere.

I hear a noise behind me and Instantly turn around aiming my gun in that direction. There was nothing there though. I begin to be more and more cautious with every little sound I here.

I walk into one room, the biggest one in the whole building. And there she was, y/n was sat there tied to a chair. He face was pale and she couldn't even lift an arm. My heart breaks seeing her like this, the only thing I thought about in that moment was to help her.


I shout, making her shoot her eyes to me.


She screams with tears falling down her cheeks.

I run over to y/n and start untying her.

*Y/N's POV*

"Channn you have to leave now it's not safe."

You sob.

"No y/n I'm not leaving you."

He replies, making me even sadder.


You scream.

But it's too late...


He gets shot... right in the back.

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