Final ~ It's because of him ~

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Felix walk in on...
You topless...
Sat on Chan's lap...
Kissing him...

Chan immediately breaks the kiss after hearing Felix voice and hugs you to try and cover you up.

Felix turns his back to the wall covering his eyes with the bag of McDonald's.


He shouts, trying to make you feel less embarrassed.

Chan quickly slips the hoody over your head and then tells Felix to turn around now.

Felix hands you both your drinks and you begin to drink it as quickly as possible.

"Guys I know you've missed each other and all but I don't really think the hospital is an appropriate place to ya know..."

Felix says handing you your food, making you choke on your drink.

Chan pats your back while shooting his eyes to Felix.

"We weren't doing anything I promise."

Chan defends.

"Oh yeah sure."

Felix winks at chan.

"Nooo seriously you walked in at the worst time. I was just helping y/n change her top because she was still sleepy."

Chan whines.

Felix laughs before taking a bite of his burger.

You start scoffing down your food so quickly since you haven't eaten in ages.

"Baby slow down a bit, you are gonna have stomach ache."

Chan warns.

You slow down slightly but you are still eating really fast. Chan smiles at you shaking his head from side to side.

After you finish your large big Mac meal you are still hungry.

"I'm still hungry."

You pout.

Felix laughs before pulling a huge packet of biscuits out his bag and handing them to you. You laugh at the fact he came perfectly prepared.

"I told you we would need those."

Chan giggles.

*5 minutes later*

After devouring the whole packet of biscuits you were finally satisfied...for now. That's when the doctor walks in.

"Have you eaten any physical food yet?"

He asks.

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