Chapter 21 ~ I missed you ~

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You scream.

But it's too late...


He gets shot... right in the back.

You watch him fall to the ground, hitting his head on the ground.


You squeal.

Just then multiple police officers come in with their guns. They begin to shoot. You sit there and scream while watching the police try and take down the 30 men.

Felix then runs to you and finishes untying you.

"Felix t-they s-shot c-chan."

You cry.

Felix doesn't say anything and continues to untie you.

You see come blood trickle from the back of Chan's head and you cry even more.

A police officer comes and sits chan up. He taps Chan's face a couple of times and Chan's eyes slowly open.

"Take her to the car."

The police officer says to Felix, before helping chan to stand up.

Felix picks you up bridal style as you weep into his chest. Chan stands up and the police officer guides you all out the building. He hands Felix some car keys and him and chan begin to run as fast as possible.

You still cry confused at how chan is able to walk after just being shot.

Once you reach the car Felix lays you across the back seats. Chan sits in the back two and places your head in his lap.

Felix quickly runs to the drivers side of the car before getting in and beginning to drive as fast as possible.


You whisper, having used any energy you had left screaming.

He looks down at you with blood trickling down his face and smiles weakly.

"Don't worry baby your safe now."

He whispers back caressing your cheek.

"Y-your back."

You very quietly mumble.

"It's okay baby, I had a bulletproof vest on, see."

He replies before lifting his top slightly.

He kissing your dry lips shortly, making your heart skip a beat.

"You idiot you s-scared me."

You somehow scold him even though you can barely talk, making him smile.

"Baby drink some water."

He whispers, helping you sit up.

He opens the bottle and helps you drink it.

You drink the water slowly, and It feels as though you can feel it charging your body instantly.

"Guys the nearest hospital is 30 minutes away. Do you think you will be okay till then?"

Felix asks pulling over to the side of the road and looking into the back.

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