Chapter 17 ~ I miss her kisses ~

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"Baby do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

Chan asks.

"Oh no, the bad news."

You answer.

"Dumpling peed on my hoody, your favourite one."

Chan break the news.

"Oh okay that's not too bad."

You laugh.

"And the good news is, dumpling likes his new toys."

He smiles widely.

"Awww really."

You smile back.

You and chan both laugh at dumpling who is currently sprawled out on the bed while you stroke his tummy. Dumpling yawns making you and chan giggle even more.

 Dumpling yawns making you and chan giggle even more

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*Two weeks later*

You and chan have spent the past two weeks trying to train dumpling. He knows how to sit and he also knows that he shouldn't be peeing on Chan's hoodies anymore. The boys are coming over tomorrow to finally meet him, which they are obviously very excited about.

Dumpling still loves to sleep in between you and chan, he's a bit bigger than he used to be so it's really funny to watch me try and squeeze between you both.


Chan calls throughout the house holding dumpling like a newborn baby.

Until he finds you still in bed, too lazy to get up. He smiles widely after finding you and he puckers his lips. You kiss his lips making him go all giggly.

He puts dumpling on the bed and he comes and sits on your lap wanting you to Stoke his belly.

"We want attention."

Chan states before sitting next to you resting his head on your shoulder.

"You guys always want attention."

You smile.

"It's because we love you. Isn't that right dumpling?"

Chan answers. Dumpling gets really happy and excited from hearing his name causing him to attack you and chan with kisses.

After calming dumpling down you both go and make breakfast.
Chan decided to make pancakes for you again. He let you help him. You put on some music before beginning to bake the pancakes.

While you were mixing the batter chan back hugs you singing softly to the music playing in the background.

Once you finish making and eating the pancakes you move to the living room and scroll through your phone.

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