Chapter 1 - Dark Start

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Third-Person POV

2nd August 1996

Steading her breath Tilly waits in agony for Draco to walk through those door before her. To her side is Voldemort and many other Death Eaters. Tilly can barely sit still; no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hide her fear for Draco. Tilly knew how painful it is to be branded with the Dark Mark, it feels like your arm is on fire, and it intensifies whenever Voldemort needs his follows. Draco pushes open the doors and walks inside with his mother and aunt on either side of him. He drops to his knees before The Dark Lord and Lady, the two people he will now follow, one of which is the love of his life. Draco stands up and lowers his head, not catching the tear in Tilly's eye.

"Draco Malfoy, you are being chosen for this important mission, and therefore given the honour of receiving The Dark Mark," Voldemort says lowly trying to intimidate Draco; it's working. "Do you promise to protect The Dark Lady and me even at the cost of your life?"

"Yes." Draco raises his voice barely above a whisper.

"Your task is to kill Albus Dumbledore before the end of the year. The Dark Lady will be watching over you and reporting back to me throughout the year." Draco nods, waiting for his life to end in a matter of seconds.

Tilly and Voldemort stand up, and she holds out her hand for Draco to take. He does so, placing his hand in hers and watches as she positions his arm to have his left wrist facing up. Voldemort places his wand on Draco arm as Tilly holds his arm still while rubbing her thumb on the other side of his wrist to calm Draco down.

"Morsmordre," Voldemort mutters, and a black ink snakes its way into Draco's skin, making the shape of the skull and snake. Draco falls to his knees, forcing himself not to cry out. Voldemort nods to the other in the room, and Tilly and Draco are left alone.

"Baby?" Draco looks up with tears in his eyes and streaming down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry." Tilly falls to the ground holding Draco to her chest, as he sobs through the pain.

"It hurts." Tilly nods understandingly as she helps him stand. Leading Draco away from the dark shop in Knock-Turn Alley and apparates them back to Malfoy Manor.

Walking into their room, Tilly helps Draco sit on the bed and runs to get Narcissa and Snape.

"Dad! Cissy! He could use your help." Tilly says to the two adults who are ignoring each other, not even making eye contact. Narcissa wanted nothing more than to help her son in the shop but couldn't with Bella or him there. She has a plan to save Draco from what The Dark Lord and Lady want of him, but it relies on someone else. Snape had made a potion for Draco that he used when he was marked years ago. Tilly helps sit Draco up while Narcissa held his hand as the pain scorched his body.

"Malfoy, you have to drink this," Snape murmurs, placing the cup to Draco's lips. Within a second, Draco skulled the liquid, and his breath relaxes a bit, and he falls to sleep, exhausted from the day.

Tilly, Snape and Narcissa walk away from Draco's room, not uttering a word to each other. Tilly turns to face the two adults.

"I have to leave for a few days. Dad, I'll come back home soon; Dumbledore has requested I meet with him. Cissy, look after Draco, tell him not to worry about me, simply tell him I'm spending time with my Dad. That does mean you can't come here, Dad-"

"That's fine. I can live with not coming here." Snape snaps clearly, happy not having to stay at the Malfoy's. "It's not you, Narcissa; it's your insufferable sister." Tilly held the sick that sat in her throat. She could barely be in the same room as the two, knowing about their past. Snape looks at the two women, one who looks sick and the other who seems to not believe him. "I slept with her when I was younger and foolish. Just like Luc-"

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