Chapter 7 - Curse

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(I hate doing this but seriously go watch; Severus Snape and the Marauders | Harry Potter Prequel. It's really good, and a fan film)

Third-Person POV

Tilly walks her way down to the dungeons where Snape's living quarters are still situated. Knocking on the door, he calls Tilly in, and she walks over to where her Dad is standing, making a cup of tea.

"Hello, Pumpkin. Would you like a cup?" Snape smiles at Tilly.

"Yes, Dad, that would be great." Tilly sits down and waits for her Dad to bring over their teas, then he sits down.

"This is unexpected. Why are you here because I know you didn't come here to see me?"

"Well, I'm worried about this book James found in your old classroom. It says property of The Half-Blood Prince. That's you, and I've read that book; you are freakishly smart, but one spell in there that I have to ask about is Septumsempra." Snape nods, understanding.

"That spell is dangerous. I've hated using it for the Dark Lord's bidding. It creates cuts that lacerate the target and cause severe haemorrhaging. I created it to use on James, Sirius and the rest of them, but later it's what gained me such a high position in Voldemort's ranks." Tilly goes over and sits next to her Dad.

She holds his hand that had begun to rub where his Dark Mark is scared into his skin.

"Dad, I made this for Draco, but you could always try it first. I've been putting off giving it to him in case it doesn't work, and I get his hopes up." Tilly hands over a vile of black liquid to Snape, and he downs it in one go. Tilly pulls back his sleeve to reveal his Dark Mark that had started to fade until it wasn't there.

"Tilly, you just made it possible for Death Eaters- Ex or not, not to have to wear long clothing." Severus hugs Tilly close. "I'm so proud of you and what you have accomplished. How long does it last?"

"Until you want it to be seen again, and say the phase Memoriam Tenebris Apparet. It translates from Latin to Memories of the Dark, Appear." Snape stared, shocked at his daughter. "It makes sense! If your hiding something, it probably isn't best seen in the light." Tilly justifies, and Snape nods.

The two smiles, but Severus redirects the conversation back to his old spell.

"Anyway, you have to watch Potter if he has that book. Otherwise, something bad might happen. Also, the incantation to heal, if needed, is Vulnera Sanentur. You must repeat this in a song-like sound three times while running your wand over the wounds." Tilly listens to what she has to do if someone gets hurt by this spell but hopes she never has to use it. Tilly makes her way back to her room, finding Draco waiting there for her at his desk.

"I have a surprise for you." Tilly smiles at her unsuspecting boyfriend. "Show me your left forearm," Tilly asks, and Draco curious face turns to one of pain and sorrow.


"Just trust me." Draco pulls up his jump sleeve but looks away at the mark cursed into his skin. Tilly leaves a kiss on his cheek, then many little ones running all over the skull and snake marking. "Close your eyes." He does. "Now, drink this." Draco holds out his other hand and claps the vile Tilly gives him. Tipping his head back in swallows the liquid and waits until Tilly tells him to open his eyes. When she does, Draco looks at her without noticing his arm. "Look at your arm." Draco shakes his head and looks but is shocked when he can't find what he never wanted to see again.


"I'm me. But I will be off if you think about wanting it back and saying a certain phrase in Latin. Memoriam Tenebris Apparet. Okay?" Draco picks Tilly up and spins her around.

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