Chapter 18 - The One She Didn't Save

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Third-Person POV

30 June 1997

Tilly, Harry, and Dumbledore land roughly, as Dumbledore is weaker, so the trip wasn't that smooth. And even though Tilly can apparate on the school grounds, she didn't want to overextend herself, knowing what's to come. Harry insists on bringing Dumbledore to the hospital, but Albus wouldn't have it and made Harry run to get Snape. Harry runs off before Draco or the Death Eaters made their entrance giving Tilly and Albus one last moment.

"You now are on your own, my dear. I wish you luck." Albus says as Tilly nods.

"I should tell you something before this is over." She sighs, looking ashamed. "I'm The Dark Lady and The Half-Blood Princess." Tilly is shocked to see Dumbledore surprised; she expected her Dad to have told the man, or for the great wizard to just simply know; that or he found out through a gossip chat somewhere along the line, but no. Dumbledore had no clue of Tilly's ranking in Voldemort's followers.

"You've been burdened with that since your Third Year?" Tilly nods but whips her around, hearing a door creek open. "I'm so sorry. For everything, I put you, your Dad, and Harry through. I hope you understand that when the time is right, all will be relieved to you. And when that time comes, I am most sorry." Dumbledore stutters slightly at the end as a single tear tumbles down his cheek.

Draco walks in, shaking tremendously as he points her wand at the Headmaster and Tilly acts surprised.

"Good evening, Draco," Albus says as if he isn't about to die. "Draco, you are no assassin."

"How do you know what I am?" Tilly steps forward, playing her part.

"He might not, but I do." Tilly voice is strong but fades with the following three words. "I love you." Tilly almost whispers, knowing it very well might be one of the last times she has to say it.

"The necklace and the poison were such weak attempts I'd have to say your heart just wasn't in them." Albus sighs, needing to know the real reason Draco is going through with this. "You hurt Tilly both of these times, and I know those are your deepest regrets." Draco snaps and lifts his shirt sleeve. "Along with that." Draco sniffles at the Headmaster words.

"Draco, you weren't chosen. You were forced." Tilly thunders. "You have a way out; take it." She says about what Snape has offered to Draco's knowledge, but more so her plan.

Draco disarms Dumbledore as the door slams from downstairs, and four Death Eaters come up the stairs.

"You're not alone. There are others. How?" Albus asks, stalling for time.

"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it."

"Let me guess. It has a sister. A twin." Dumbledore answers Draco's description.

"In Borgin and Burks. They form and passage." As Albus and Draco go back and forth, with Draco trying to convince himself to kill the man, Tilly works on her plan. Tilly links Dumbledore's life to hers, but not in the traditional way. While Tilly lives and breath, Albus shall not. He will only return when Tilly's life is over. "Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill her. Draco points to Tilly and smiles sadly.

"What?" Tilly says barely above a whisper.

The four Death Eaters enter the scene, and Bella walks behind Draco, congratulating him.

"Good evening Bella. Don't you think introductions are in order?" Albus asks as Bella comes closer.

"Love to, Albus. But I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule. Do it."

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