Chapter 2 - Vow

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Third-Person POV

5th August 1996

Tilly and Harry grab onto Dumbledore's wrist, and he apparates them a fair distance away from The Burrow. A huff escapes Tilly's lips as she feels her shoes fill with water, and her socks sock some of it up.

"Great, now I have wet socks, and there is nothing worse than a wet sock."

"Yes, I know, Lill; a wet sock has no cure." Harry sasses holding back all his laughter. Tilly rolls her eyes and brings the two closer to the house in a flash. Harry looks up to the window spotting Ginny sitting there reading a book; Tilly follows her brother's eye line and smirks.

"Oh, so now you like Ginny," Tilly says, walking up to the house.

"I have always liked Ginny, thank you very much. But, due to her being my best friends' younger sister, my sister and other best friends best-girl-friend, plus have two 6'2 twin older brothers, and three other older brothers, one who works with dragon and the other who is a curse breaker. I didn't fancy my odds." Tilly stood flabbergasted by Harry word vomit that she had to listen to.

"Great," Tilly says, voice dripping with sarcasm. "My boyfriend is hated by most. His whole family is loathed. His Aunt is deranged and crazy, who unfortunately slept with my Dad years ago. And I have half to school wanting to date me, with the majority of my family always over my shoulder." Tilly stares at her blinking brother and shrugs. "Suck it up, buttercup." Harry and Tilly laugh after a moment walking inside, their arms linked.

Tilly and Harry stand in the kitchen as they hear a few voice bicker over if they are in the house or not. The two smiles, and Harry calls out, and Tilly unlocks Raven and Hedwig's cages, letting them free; well, Raven stays beside Tilly. The girl turns, seeing her brother and friend hug for an overly long time, then gaze into each other's eyes. "What am I? Chopped up dragon liver?" Tilly calls to the ginger-haired girl, and she turns running into her friend's arms, while Harry and Ron have a bro hug.

"Did you tell Harry?" Tilly shakes her head in response, knowing Ginny will understand. Tilly looks over at Ron, who tries to wipe a bit of toothpaste off Hermione's cheek, but ends up having everyone staring at him. They all start to chuckle awkwardly, then go in their separate directions.

The trio was talking while Tilly stood alone on the balcony, looking over the house's vast forest. She could hear Harry trying to defend Dumbledore but only ends up laughing about his age.

"Well, it doesn't matter; Tilly is more powerful than Dumbledore and him. She can take anyone." Ron says proudly.

"She is my little sister, and I would prefer that she leaves school alive, healthy and unscratched."

"First, I'm 15 minutes younger, and second we never leave the school unharmed in some way each year. Thanks for the support Ronnie, but no one is going to put their faith in me." Tilly sighs, sitting beside Hermione.

"And why is that?" Ron asks, confused along with the two others. She sighs once more, biting her lip, then spills.

"Yes, I might be strong and powerful, but I'm dating the Malfoy heir, my Dad is Severus Snape, I'm a Slytherin, and we're always the bad guys. Don't forget that I have a pet snake and am related to Voldemort, somehow."

"Even with all that, we still believe in you. Who cares if your boyfriend is a dick, your Dad is an ex-Death Eater, you're an evil Slytherin with a pet snake and the most feared wizard of all times long lost heir. You're still you." Ron says much too proudly. "Ok, I see your point." Hermione slaps Ron's arms, and he whimpers, frowning at the girl.

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