Chapter 16 - Out of Hospital

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(Hi everyone, I'm So Sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I've had a full-on couple of weeks (I guess month at this point) with exams and other things. Sorry once again, and I hope you enjoy reading the rest of the sorry. I will try posting the next book as quickly as I can, but please be patient)

Third-Person POV

19th May 1997

Tilly hasn't left Draco's side since the accident and hasn't talked to Harry either. When he passes her through the halls, at breakfast, lunch or dinner, or even in the odd class, Tilly would ignore Harry; she wouldn't even look in his direction. Even Draco is trying to get her to speak to her brother but isn't reaching very far. Tilly and Draco were walking from the hospital for the last time, it had been a week, and Draco is all good to go, meaning he didn't have to come back after a quick walk to stretch his legs. Truth be told, Draco wanted to get out of there fast as possible, and Tilly is just happy Draco is looking at feeling better.

"Love, I'm hungry and feel like food that hasn't cooled down by the time it got to me because my stubborn girlfriend didn't want me to walk too far," Draco complains, with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, sorry your food was cold, your highness," Tilly says with sass as she rolls her eyes.

"Says you...Half-Blood Princess." Tilly laughs at Draco's words and his goofy smile. Before Tilly can stop him, Draco scoops her up and carries her all the way to the Great Hall, where dinner is being served.

"Draco put me down!" Tilly yells but is full of laughter.

"Nope!" Draco giggles having Tilly over his shoulder as she bangs on his back to be let go.

The whole hall watches the couple as they mess around as if no one is there. How their voice's sound happier, full of laughter and love. Their smiles were grinning with glee and wonder. Everyone watches in awe at how happy the two are. It didn't take long for everyone to find out what happened when Pansy spread rumours about what happened. She started at the truth and is almost at the story that Harry tried to kill Draco.

Pansy walks into the hall, paying no attention to the two loud students, not knowing it is Draco and Tilly and makes her way over to Harry.

"Potter!" Harry turns in his seat, looking up at Pansy. "Are you going to kill Dracy again? Do we need to have you locked up?" Harry sighs, not wanting to have this conversation again. Pansy stares down and smiles smugly. "That's what I thought, you Harry Potter, aren't the hero they all think you are, and neither is your sister. Matilda Potter will always be that; a Potter." Tilly snapped her head when she heard Pansy talking and slowly made her way over with Draco closely behind. When Pansy says Tilly's name wrong, she loses it and taps Pansy on the shoulder. "What do you want?" Pansy says before turning around. "Tilly." Her voice quivers, staring straight into the eyes of a terrifying girl.

"James didn't try and kill Draco; he had no idea how horrible that spell was. We've saved your sorry arse too many times to count, and we will do it again." Tilly steps even closer to the girl. "And my name is Snape. Use it." Tilly leans into Pansy's ears, whispering her following words. "You'll regret calling me Potter." When Tilly steps back, Draco steps forward.

"Don't call me Dracy, don't insult my girlfriend or her brother and don't spread fake rumours about Harry and me." Every stood shocked by what Draco said, but Harry looks at the boy with a face of shock. Draco defended Harry; no one saw this coming, ever.

Tilly takes Draco's hand, and the two walk out of the hall but turn around when they hear their names called.

"Lill! Malfoy!" Harry yells as he tries to catch up with them. "I'm sorry. What I did was beyond wrong. I can't take it back, and there's not much I can do except tell you I'm sorry." Harry says to the couple as they watch him. "To you too, Lill. You were right about more than the spell. You do love Malfoy, and he loves you." Tilly nods when Draco speaks up.

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