Chapter 4 - Train Ride

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Third-Person POV

1st September 1996

It had been almost a month since Tilly had seen Draco, and she knew she had to see him before they got off the train. She could feel that Draco was tired and didn't have much energy left, no matter what he says. Tilly could hear Luna passing out Quibbler's to people around the train and quickly passed her to talk to Ginny before seeing Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Gin." Tilly pulls the girl aside as Dean walks off. "I'm not pressuring you, but you have to tell the trio and your family at least."

"Tills, I want to I do, but I worry what Dean's going to say." Tilly sighs at the redhead.

"Screw Dean! I don't mean that literally." Tilly smirks as Ginny rolls her eyes. "He isn't the best boyfriend, and you know it. You dated Luna last year, and that other guy..."

"Michael Corner." Ginny answer, and Tilly stares, shocked. "I broke up with him because he only talked about you, and we had no real feelings. So, yes, you can be friends with him; we left it on good terms."

"Right. And you and Luna both agreed you liked other people but still loved each other. So, if you don't end up with James, then Luna's all yours, but give him a chance he likes you. Trust me." Tilly smiles and runs off.

Tilly pushes the cabin doors to hear Harry saying Draco is a Death Eater and think quickly. "James, if Draco's a Death Eater, by that logic, so am I. And just to prove you wrong, here," Tilly lifts the sleeves of her jumper, showing her pale skin, with no Dark Mark. Tilly dashes out of there and finds Draco with Blaise and Parkinson. Tilly can hear and see how Pansy is throwing herself at Draco and smirks when he pushes her away and swaps seats with Blaise, to sit opposite them. Tilly sits beside Draco, and he grabs her hand, kissing her temple.

"Hey, Love." Draco sighs.

"Hi." Tilly smiles at her boyfriend and Blaise, but the two girls glare at each other. Draco rests his hand come Tilly's thigh, telling her he wasn't in the mood for the shit she and Pansy can give. Tilly sighs, not entirely wanting to stop glaring, but Draco grabs her chin, moves her face to his direction, and locks his lips on hers. Tilly's taken back for a second but quickly kisses back, running her hands through Draco's hair. Tilly was shocked by the action because Draco would rarely show this much PDA; he would usually have his arm around her or be touching her in a way, or even give a quick kiss when others weren't looking, but would never be this rough or dominate in public.

Tilly pulls back, blushing a bit when she sees Blaise and many other of Draco's Slytherin friends smirking at the boy. But her blush disappears when she sees the look on Pansy, Daphne Greengrass and Astoria Greengrass all glaring at her. Tilly liked having one of the most good-looking boys as her boyfriend, not to mention that she could date someone else just as gorgeous if she weren't with Draco. Who would I date? There are plenty of boys who are friendly or hot, but not really both. I mean, what about... Neville; no, he's more of the little brother type. Seamus: I'd tower over the poor boy. Blaise: no, that would be to mean to Draco. Zac and Mike would be ok, I guess. But Fred would be my first choice; he's really hot, kind, funny, and sweet. And oh, making out with him was just-. Tilly cut herself off, realising what she was thinking about, and rubs her eyes, looking over at her hopefully oblivious boyfriend.

But Draco could see Tilly was thinking about something, so he took a quick look in her head, as she would know he was there if he stayed too long. Draco only heard what Tilly thought of Fred, and anger bubbled in his veins, hate bloomed in his heart, and jealousy burst in his mind. Draco wasn't mad at Tilly but at himself for being so stupid last year and letting her go. Subconsciously Draco started to squeeze Tilly leg harder, and his short nail begins to dig into her skin. Draco wanted to beat up Fred the next time he saw him, but that set of twins isn't at school anymore, but there are always boys looking at Tilly, meaning someone will get a black eye soon. Tilly could feel Draco's hand tightening but thought nothing of it until she felt something run down her leg, blood. Draco had griped so tight he'd made Tilly's leg bleed.

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