Chapter 14 - Sectumsempra

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Third-Person POV

11th March 1997

The following day had come, so Harry and Tilly took Ron to the hospital, and despite what Tilly wanted, Harry made her rest, knowing she took a sip as well.

"James, I'm fine." Harry pushes his sister back into the bed next to Ron as she tries to escape. Minerva, Severus, Horace and Albus all come in, looking at the boy, who is resting. Snape rushes to Tilly and looks for any sign of poisoning. "Dad, I'm fine. Yes, I took a sip as well, but nothing happened to me." Snape sighs, kissing Tilly's forehead as he steps back with the teachers.

"Quick thinking on your parts, Harry, Tilly, using Bezoar," Albus says.

"I think we can agree, Potter and Snape's actions were heroic. The question is, why were they necessary?" Minerva asks. Dumbledore nods, looking at the bottle in Horace's hands.

"This looks like a gift, Horace. Suttle hits of liquorish and cherry when not polluted by poison." Albus give the bottle to Snape, who takes a sniff and can immediately smell the poison in it and wonders how Ron is alive and Tilly unharmed.

"To you, Headmaster." Everyone looks at the teacher with worried looks.

Two people burst into the room, one after the other, but Draco pushes Lavender to the side, trying to get to Tilly faster.

"Love, you alright?" Tilly nods.

"I'm excellent. James is just over worrying."

"No, he isn't! He's being a good brother." Tilly sighs, throwing her hands in the air at Draco's words.

"Tilly, they're right. I don't know how you or Ron survived. If this Mead had been given to Albus, he'd be..." Snape cuts himself short, looking at the man. "Well, you and Weasley are young, and very luckily, to have your knowledge and Potter's smart to know what a Bezoar is."

"Oh, come on. The only time the three of you agree on something is when I don't want you to." The three nod and smile at the girl as she rolls her eyes.

Tilly looks at Lavender, who's arguing with Hermione, wonder why she would be here.

"I happen to be his...friend." Hermione answers.

"Mine too. She's our best friend, actually." Tilly says to the girl. The two go back and forth until Ron gasps a little.

"Ah. See? He senses my presents. Don't worry, Won-Won, I'm here." Tilly rolls her eyes.

"And he complains about the name Ronnie." She whispers, making Draco chuckle. Ron keeps mumbling things until one word comes out clearly.

"Hermione." Tilly smiles happily as Lavender runs out.

"Bye, bitch." The teacher looks at Tilly in shock, but she calls out Dumbledore. "Oh, don't you start. You had bets going for Draco and me. I bet you had one for Hermione and Ron too. Well, it was James and Hermione originally, wasn't it." Albus smiles at the girl giving her a slight wink.

"Oh, to be young and feel love's keen sting." He says. Tilly, Albus, Minerva, Draco and Harry all look at Snape, knowing he knows how it feels.

"Oh, enough judging. So, what I was in love with my daughter's Mother, that's normal." Snape tries to justify.

"Not when she isn't actually blood-related to you, or the woman doesn't love you back," Harry says, slowly stepping away, worried Snape will kill him.

"Harsh, but true, Harry," Albus says, leading Snape out. "You really were obsessed with Lily."

"Oh, shut up, Albus," Snape says, then kisses Tilly goodbye.

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