Chapter 12 - Scarred

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Third-Person POV

25th December 1996

Christmas spirit is in the air, the whole house full of laughter and fun. The twins are home for the holidays, and most of the other Weasley's, along with Tilly, Harry, Sirius and Remus. Harry had taken Remus, Sirius and Arthur to the side to speak with them for a moment. Tilly wanted to talk with the twins; then she'd be right over.

"Freddie, Georgie, how's the shop going?" Both nod happily. "George, how's Angelina?" George started to smile wickedly as he thought of his girlfriend. George had asked her out a few years back around when the Tri-Wizard Tournament was on, and they've been dating ever since.

"Yeah, she's great; we're even better. Freddie still lonely, but he does have his eye on this one girl." Tilly looks at Fred with a smile as he jabs George in the gut.

"Oh, well, what's her name?" Fred shakes his head. "Ok, what does she look like?" Tilly asks, wanting to know who her friend likes. Fred doesn't say anything, so George speaks up again.

"She's got dark hair, pale skin, and beautiful bright eyes." Fred sighs, rolling his eyes again.

"Well, she is got any sense she'll date you the second you ask her." George nods with Tilly, egging Fred on to ask her the question. "As long as she a free woman, and she wants to be with you, you're all good." Fred nods sadly, and George pats his back.

Tilly goes over to the small group discussion and listens.

"Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape is simply pretending to offer Draco help, so he can see what he's up to?" Remus asks. Tilly sighs and rolls her eyes, hearing Harry go on about this any longer.

"Moony, maybe Harry's right. I don't trust Snivellus, and I don't think we should push this under the rug; it might be important." Sirius tries to reason with Remus and agrees with Harry. "I mean to make an Unbreakable Vow-"

It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. Dumbledore trust Snape; therefore, I do."

"Dumbledore can make mistakes, he said so himself." Tilly is at her breaking point about this again.

"You're blinded by hate."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Remus snaps, also getting fed up with this.

"Remus!" Sirius snaps, not likely the way he yelled at Harry. "I'm not going to lie; I've never liked Snape all that well. And this Malfoy, if he's anything like his Father, then..." Tilly glares at the men.

"Draco is nothing like Lucius. And my Dad is not evil. Neither of them is a Death Eaters, and if they are, then I'm The Dark Lady." I'm not lying. "This is going too far, James. Ever since I met you all, you've done, regarding my family-"

"I am your family! We are."

"You've done that!" Tilly says as Harry proves her point. "I love you, all of you, but my Dad and Draco were my family beforehand and have continued to be. Draco wants to marry me, and all my Dad does is keep me safe." Tilly runs her hand through her hair. "I can guarantee if Voldemort cannot anywhere near me, my Dad would be first to risk his life for me." Tilly stands up and begins to walk away but turns once more. "And don't call him Snivellus." Tilly leaves everyone alone and stands by herself in the cold air outside.

The cold night air bit at her skin as Tilly stands out in the field, all alone. Sighing heavily, Tilly looks behind her seeing Remus and Sirius saying goodbye to Arthur and Molly, but Remus isn't paying attention to what they are staying, but more their surroundings. Tilly can sense something in the air and walks closer to the edge of the cornfield. Before anyone can move, a ring of red fire circles the house, and Bellatrix appears next to Tilly. The crazy woman cackles then leans into Tilly, whispering to her.

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