Chapter 8 - Slug Club

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Third-Person POV

26th October 1996

Tilly stands in front of her mirror, looking at her reflection and trying to decide if the dress she had put on was good enough.

"Draco, how do I look?" Draco sighs, trying to contain his anger.

"Beautiful, Love, as always. But you don't have to dress up that much; it's only a Slug Club dinner. Nothing that important." Draco huffs, then Tilly crawls onto the bed and sits on Draco's lap.

"Are you upset you weren't invited?" Draco shakes his head, but his lips turn into a pout. "Oh, you are so pouting. Well, I don't have to go for," Tilly looks at the time, "10 more minutes, we could have some fun." She smirks, moving around a little bit, but Draco holds her hips still.

"No. Because 10 minutes isn't enough, plus you'd want to clean up, and it would be too much. Just go. I'll be up when you get back." Draco kisses Tilly forehead as she scoots off the bed.

"I really do wish you were there, though." Tilly sighs, brushing her hair.

"Why?" Draco asks nonchalantly, going back to reading his book.

"Because Cormac is going to be there," Tilly mumbles, and before she knows it, Draco has pinned her down.

"On second thoughts, I think you being a little late isn't much of a problem," Draco smirks with lust-filled eyes. Tilly knew he didn't want her near Cormac and would be happy knowing she couldn't stop thinking about him all through the dinner.

Running about 15 minutes late, Tilly knocked on the door and opened it to see everyone beginning their main meal.

"Sorry, I'm late. I got pinned down- held up." Tilly lets a long sigh go knowing what she just said. Not to mention the slightly messed up makeup and hair, and the one or two fresh hickies viewable, plus her walking isn't exactly straight either.

"Pinned down, you saw? Do tell us more." Slughorn asks, not knowing what he was really asking. Most of the table coughed to hide their laughs as she rubbed her face to shield her red-tinted cheeks.

"Yes, Lill, do tell us what," Harry paused, "or who," he whispered, "pinned you down." Tilly was about ready to slap Harry as she sat down next to Zac or left her a seat.

Tilly, Harry and Hermione were finishing off their desserts as Slughorn asks more questions to people at the table.

"So, tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your uncle Tiberius these days?" Cormac nods, not placing a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth, but staring at Tilly and Hermione, who shifts uncomfortably.

"Yes, Sir. We're going hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays." Tilly rolls her eyes as Zac leans in and whispers in her ear.

"Why yes, in fact, I'm the best of the best. Hurray for me." He imitates Cormac and Tilly laughs lightly. Slughorn turns to Tilly after Hermione story wasn't as funny as she hoped.

"Tilly, we all know what your Dad's like at school. He's well...Snape. What is he like at home?" Tilly stutters for a moment, unable to think of anything until something comes to mind.

"He's a loving Father. He's kind, generous, and an excellent cook, actually. He always says I cook better than him, but he's given me numerous breakfasts in bed or soups when I was sick." Tilly looks around at the astonished faces. "We have house-elves, but they're more like family, plus Dad likes to make sure it's 'made with love, as he says." Tilly smiles at the thought. "I remember, years ago, Draco was over at mine, and we made such a mess cooking, and Dad wasn't mad at all; he just laughed. Severus Snape laughed. He does that a lot around me." But he doesn't really laugh anymore. Tilly thought as she sighed.

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