Chapter 10 - His Heart

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Third-Person POV

10th December 1996

Tilly had kept to herself for the last few days, wanting to be alone. As she's walking, she turns the corner and runs into someone she hasn't spoken to in a while. "Zac..." He stares at her and her red eyes, realising the mistake he made.

"Tilly, I'm sorry this is all my fault. You and Malfoy, I mean." Tilly sighs.

"It's not your fault, he just couldn't believe you, and I were only friends." Zac turns and cracks his knuckles.

"That just it. Malfoy was right. I do like you, and I did kiss you." Tilly takes a step back, confused about what Zac just said. "You fell asleep, and I kissed you as Draco walked in. I didn't want you to hate me, so I didn't say anything. I'm sorry." Tilly couldn't understand what she is hearing.

"So, Draco was right." Partly right, that doesn't excuse the other things. But I kissed Fred and said it didn't matter because Draco and I were broken up. Oh, Merlin. "I have to go. Thank you for telling me the truth, but I'm going to need some space." Zac nods, understanding how hurt Tilly must be. Turning away from Zac and running all the way to The Slytherin Dorms, Tilly had to find Draco before it was too late.

Meanwhile, Draco had dragged himself to the Common Room and is slouching on the couch. Pansy, Daphne and Astoria all came in and walked over to Draco. Some of the boys were sitting in the corner talking in their year, and other Slytherin's were finishing work. Pansy sits down on Draco lap, but he pushes her off within a second. He stands up and makes his way to the entrance, seeing he isn't going to get peace here, and his room gives him too much pain.

"Darcy, why do you care if she isn't with you anymore?" Pansy asks as Daphne and Astoria nod. "She's a Half-Blood, Potter's sister, friends with Gryffindor's, and so many other things. She can give you nothing compared to the girls and me." She gestures to the two others. "We're Pure-Bloods, our families are close, we only associate with the best, and we all side with where your family does." Draco takes a breath and gives up keeping his reputation.

"Sure, you guys are all those things, but Tilly's more. Yes, she's Potter's sister and a Half-Blood, but she has the best heart."

"She's a slut!" Pansy yells, and Draco loses it.

"Don't say that! She's not!"

"Yes, she is. The Slytherin Princess who's a slut."

"No. She's my Half-Blood Princess. Losing her is the biggest mistake of my life; Crabbe, Goyle, you both know that's saying something." Draco turns back to Pansy. "You were my worst choice. Sleeping with you was the grossest thing I've done. But that whole night, I didn't make a nose, so I didn't moan Tilly's name. Also, only you finished. You suck in bed, Pansy Parkinson." Draco steps back and throws his hands up, shouting to gain everyone's attention. "I never have and will never love you, Pansy. My heart will always belong to her, Tilly, Matilda Lillian Snape. The Half-Blood Princess will always have my heart. Whether she wants it or not." Draco sighs.

"She does want it. And you hold hers." Tilly speaks up from behind Draco. She'd heard everything.

Draco turns to see Tilly standing there, tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. "You were right. I haven't been the best girlfriend, and I was too harsh on you." She whispers as she looks down.


"I shouldn't have been so hard. You're protective, and I knew that, but I didn't see what you were seeing. I'm so sorry. I love you, Draco Malfoy."

"I love you, Matilda Snape." Draco rushes forward and lifts Tilly into his arms. Holding her to his chest. Everyone watches as the two cries in each other's arms and then leave, giving the two their privacy. Neither says a word, not wanting to change this moment. Both want to go back to their room, so make their way up the stair, and both lie down on their bed, still not letting go of each other. "Please, don't leave me." Draco pleads once more.

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