Chapter 3 - Light in the Dark

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Third-Person POV

Tilly walks up to Malfoy Manors doors and pushes them open to come face to face with Voldemort and a few Death Eaters.

"My dear, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?" Voldemort asks, moving his hand to indicate to the others to leave.

"I have come to see Draco, but I'm glad I caught you. I was wondering if we could have a little chat; I have a few questions that need answers." Tilly states sternly, making it clear she wasn't a request but an order. Voldemort nods and walks over to the dining room, and the two take their places at the table's heads. When it was only the two of them, they sat facing each other, but with others, Tilly would sit to Voldemort's right, facing her Dad. But to make it evident that Tilly wasn't Voldemort's lackey, she would always come late, addresses others without him asking her to, she can speak out of turn, and will argue if she sees necessary.

The two stare at each other for a while until Tilly breaks the silence. "Why did you chose me to be your second?"

"Because you are more powerful than anyone, including Albus and me. You are the best to stand next to me." Tilly nods.

"How am I related to you?" Tilly asks carefully, not really wanting the answer.

"When Lily Potter was pregnant, I tampered with one of the babies. I wouldn't know which until years later, and it is you. I added my blood and Severus's blood to your system. It turns out you were better than I expected. You're not like Lily, James or Harry. You're like Severus and me. You're the dark within the light." Tilly tried to take all the information in but struggled to understand.

"So, that's why I call you Uncle." Voldemort nods. "And that's why I had a pull to Severus?"

"No, actually. I don't know why you hated James and loved Severus. I only added my blood encase I failed to kill the right family, but as I said, it worked out better than assumed." Tilly nods and quietly stands, walking closer to him, smiles a quick goodbye, then runs up to Draco.

Tilly quietly opens the door, finding Draco at his desk not moving, just staring at his arm.

"Baby?" Draco turns at the voice that brings light into his life.

"Till." Draco opens his arms to his girl, and Tilly runs into them, resting her head on his chest. Draco runs his hand up and down Tilly's side, both comforting her and giving her goosebumps. The blonde boy shakes his head, looking down at the peaceful girl in his arms. "I know you have to leave soon, but I just have to hold you for a minute more." Draco sniffles resting his head in the crook of Tilly's neck. She slowly walks back and lays down on the bed, with Draco on top of her. Draco's hands slither under the green jumper Tilly had, drawing odd shapes on her skin, as his lips latch onto her neck and leave many dark purple Love Bite's, starting on her neck and stopping on her thighs.

"That didn't take you long." Tilly laughs, looking at her body covered in Draco's marks.

"Well, you're leaving and spending time with other boys and girls. I need everyone to know that you're mine." Tilly rolls her eyes at Draco's dominance and jealousy. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Tilly quickly shakes her head, with a smirk playing on her lips. "That's what I thought." Draco kisses Tilly's forehead and sits up.

"I might be yours, but I am my own person, don't forget that." Tilly kisses the boy goodbye.

"I won't. Bye Love." They kiss once more, and then Tilly apparates back to The Burrow.

10th August 1996

Tilly, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny had decided to visit Fred and George at their joke shop, and it was the only life left in Diagon Alley. Every colour, scent, sound, texture and taste was somewhere in that shop. Wherever Tilly looked, she found something interesting, inventive, or creative. The twins really did have a mind for this, and it was great they could earn some money to help their family if they needed it.

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