Chapter 5 - New Teacher

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Third-Person POV

As Tilly, Draco and Snape walk into the Dining Hall, Tilly kisses her Dad on the cheek, wishing him luck for the announcement of his new position. That's why he was so happy! Tilly realises talking a seat but watches as Hermione looks to the door and back to Ginny, then hits Ron repeatedly with her book before Harry walks in with ice on his nose to stop the bleeding. Tilly goes to stand, but Dumbledore starts his speech, making her sit, wanting to wait for her Dad's special moment.

"I would like to introduce our newest member of staff, Horace Slughorn." The man stands, and everyone claps from him, then he sits as Albus explains more. "Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. Meanwhile, the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape." Tilly claps very loudly over all the muttering and whispers. She doesn't stop even when all eyes are on her, this was her Dad dream, and he finally made it. Once everyone realised that Snape hadn't been a terrible teacher over the years, and it would do them good not to be on Tilly's bad side, they all begin to cheer and clap.

Albus speaks again but about a very different subject. "Upon your arrival tonight, you were all searched, and I believe it is best you know why. "Once there was a young man, who, like you, sat in the hall, walking this castle's corridors, slept under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle." The murmurs started again, and Tilly couldn't help but realise just how much she is like Tom. She sits in this hall, walks these corridors, sleeps under its rooves, and seems like any other student. Yet, she is anything but that.

"Today, of course, he is known all over the world by another name. and right now, its dark forces are trying to penetrate this castle's walls, and their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about." Dumbledore sighs and speaks once more, "I have been asked to advise you all that the one known as The Dark Lady is possibly sitting amongst you. She is just like Tom, seems like the rest, but is not. All we know is she has White hair, tanned yet pale skin, and piercing green eyes, a beautiful emerald. But this is not what she looks like all the time, this girl is strong with magic and changes her appearance when being seen publicly as The Dark Lady, but an inside source told us she's pale, has black hair, has a snake, can speak to it, and is very powerful, so much so even Voldemort is scared of her." Dumbledore bellows. Tilly bites her lip, waiting for someone to look at her and connect the dots, but no one does.

Once everyone goes back to finishing their dessert, Tilly stands up and walks over to Harry and sits beside him, asking him what happen, only to get a back-handed comment.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend." He sneers while nodding his head in Draco general direction.

"You're telling me Draco did this?"

"Yes. He flung me across the train carriage, making me knock my head and fall to the floor; he used the spell Petrificus Totalus, so I was frozen; he then mocked Mum and me, said something about you and stomped on my head, breaking my glasses and nose." Harry said in one breath, full of anger.

"Fine, but ignoring all that, and don't worry, we will come back to it; why were you with him in the first place?" Harry looks away, not wanting to answer, but feels Tilly's eyes burning into the back of his head and tell her.

"I was hiding above your seat and listening to what he was saying."

"You were eavesdropping! James, I told you, Draco is just being weird and mysterious as always." Harry sighs and looks back at his sister and down to her leg. Harry raise her skirt a little bit, and they both look at the little white dashes that Draco's nails left.

"He hurt you. If he is what I think he is, then you can't be with him. He'll hurt you in more ways than one." Tilly stands from her seat and slaps Harry.

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